“So I just have to say, Shane, God has given you a gift, whatever chord you start out playing, I am seeing those horses here again today. You have got a gift to summon these angelic war horses and they are here and I want you to know you have one. You have one. I have already mounted on my horse. And what I saw, get on your horse. And I was riding up this golden staircase and I was sitting behind one of those angels that I saw last week. One of those warring angels. He had his javelin in his arm and I was holding on for dear life. Like we have a choice today. To step on. To get on our horse, our war horse and go take what is ours in the spirit today. Get on and ride. I’m inviting you to ride with me and Holy Spirit. Find your horse because it’s here. Your angel, your warring angel is here to do battle with you. So ride. Get on and ride.”
Konnie Victory