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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

October 3, 2021

“I hear the Lord say be bold, be bold, stand for what is right and watch Him move by His Spirit with all of His might. Stand up and be bold, don't hold back and don’t shrink back, don't be complacent says the lord and don’t compromise. And don’t worry about stepping on somebody’s toes for it is the truth of My Son Jesus Christ in everything He did in everything that He has accomplished and everything that He is doing today that is truth. The Lord says it is one thing to know My Word and to quote My Word but it is another thing to believe My Word and quote My Word. For if you want to see results in this land, if you want to see results in your life, take Me at My Word. Prove Me. Prove Me, says the Lord and I will do great and mighty things in your midst, in this land, in this nation, in your city, in your county, in your state and throughout the nation says the Lord. Don’t just quote My Word and hope it comes to pass, but quote My Word and know that it will come to pass. And there is a difference, there is a difference in quoting the word with faith and boldness declaring and decreasing. He says let those seeds that are in My Word be spoken. Declare and decree My Word and watch what I do. Watch what I am doing. For there are things that are going on that you know not of. There are things that are happening behind the scenes that I am doing. So quote My Word in faith.”


“Do you know the Lord said that on the day of Pentecost and I sent My Spirit, Holy Spirit came and filled that place and tongues of fire went up in the spirit realm as they were in unity. And they went out with boldness and declaring and decreasing and preaching the gospel of My Son Jesus Christ. So when you get filled with the Holy Ghost and you get refilled, the Lord says be bold, be strong for I have gone before you. There is no fear in Me. They could not keep My Son down and they will not keep you down so rise up. The Lord says rise up and be bold, be bold.”


“So with respect to what you were saying Sonja rising up and being bold I heard those dry bones rattling. And it was like they were rattling, they were coming up and coming together and they were bringing life. And they were shedding off the old, they were shedding off complacency, they were shedding off the fear, they were shedding off the anxiety. So let those bones rattle. Come together in the spirit and let that body, and let that spirit man overtake that body and cause life to come to that dryness in your life that is there.”


“Do you know when you have dry bones they get kind of brittle and as they start moving and stretching and changing and rattling it can be kind of painful. I would think. But as you get filled with the Holy Ghost He liquefies and puts everything that’s needed in the bone marrow and causes the joints to move. Causes the bones to be strong, causing the bone marrow. I’m just seeing the bone marrow. I don’t know who you are, I don’t know if you’re watching, I don’t know if you’re going to watch this but this is what I’m hearing in the Spirit realm so I’m just going to speak it out. There is somebody that’s going to hear this, Lord just send it now in the Spirit realm in Jesus name that has been going through bone cancer. And the Lord says live and live, live in Jesus name. I’m seeing bone marrow being grown out. I’m seeing the blood being poured into the bones causing healing, the oil of the spirit causing lubrication. I’m seeing the tumors dying and shriveling up in your bones. There’s somebody that’s been having a lot of back problems and joint problems and the Lord says be filled this day with the Holy Ghost. Be filled this day with the Holy Ghost. Be filled this day with the Holy Ghost. Healing dry bones, healing joints, healing cartridge. I’m seeing cartridge around the ligaments coming together, the muscles in your body in Jesus name. He says no more when you speak this is what I have and this is what I have been diagnosed with. What you will say out of your mouth is this is what Jesus has done for me. He says to call those things that be not as though they are. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. So you don’t talk about your illness, you don’t deny it, but you talk victory. We war from Victory in Jesus name. I hear the Lord say that you need to break covenant with those words. He said it’s not yours, it never was yours. The enemy put that on you and caused you to think that and you give voice to it and you came into covenant with what the enemy was saying about your body. He says break covenant with the enemy and break covenant of those words that you have spoken and He will burn up the contracts in Jesus name. He says that you will run and not walk, you will run and not be weary.”


“The Lord says where you have said out of your mouth I have this and I have that which is not of God, which is not of the Lord, He says to repent of those words. So right now in Jesus name I repent for saying I have this. And I’m just going to say I repent for saying I have arthritis in my hand. Lord I repent and I break the covenant and coming into agreement with that. Father I thank You for healing. I thank You for healing me. I thank You for restoring my bone, restoring the cartlidge, restoring any scar tissue. I thank You Father God for the blood of Jesus that is flowing through my bone marrow right now in Jesus name. I thank You Father for the dunamis power of God. I thank You Father for the Holy Ghost that is pouring out His oil in my bones right now in Jesus name. Lord where there has been stiffness where there has been aches and pains, I come out of agreement with that in Jesus name and I call my body into alignment with Your Word, with the healing power of Jesus Christ in the blood of Jesus. In Jesus name.”


“I hear the Lord saying live, live, live today. He says there’s many people that has entered heaven way before their time because they didn’t know to live. And He says live. And I am, I am the God that healeth thee. I am the God that healeth and He says I have life and life more abundantly.”

Ruth Ann

“I’m also hearing there’s some of you out there saying can my bones live? Can my bones live? And I hear the Lord saying get up, get up, get up. Get up and do something that you could not do before. Get up and prove Me in this as I bring resurrection power, I bring resurrection life today. Yes your dry bones can live. Get up. Get up. Get up.”


“There’s somebody watching and God says move your feet and legs. Quit complaining. Don’t say another complaining word about the aches and pains. He said move them now. Move them now.”

Ruth Ann

“I keep hearing God say to someone watching say live to your family live. Say live to your family, live. Say it is alive and it is living in the Holy Spirit. He said all the negativity, He says stop your words. And say my family is alive and is living in the Holy Spirit. I keep hearing God say to someone watching say I live to your family, live. Say live to your family life. Say it is alive and it is living in the Holy Spirit. He said all the negativity, He says stop your words. And say my family is alive and is living in the Holy Spirit.”

Ruth Ann

“You know I’m up here singing and prophesying about being bold and I am going to be bold OK. So Father this is what I’m saying and I’m just going to say it hallelujah. Father in the name of Jesus every patient that is in Neshoba General in Jesus name I don’t care about their age that is having difficulty moving and getting up out of the bed because of their bones in Jesus name I say live. I say move. I say get up and move. Holy Ghost is moving in the Neshoba General Hospital in Jesus name hallelujah. Thank you Father, thank you Father. Father, I thank You. We loose them. Satan loose them and let them go. In Jesus name. In the name of Jesus I decree and declare that they will live, they will move, in Jesus name. Hallelujah.”


“I am hearing miracles. I thank You for the miracle power of Jesus by your Spirit. I hear the dry bones rattling. In the word of God He says that His ways are not our ways they are higher than our ways they are higher than our thoughts. Can I tell you, Lord, I hear the dry bones rattling. I don’t know what’s going on over here next door to my left in that facility but I’m hearing the dry bones rattling, rattling. They’re rattling, thank You, Lord. The Lord says that it’s in the land. The dry bones are in the land and they’re rattling. And the Lord says there is fixing to be a resurrection power come on that land that the enemy cannot hold back. What He has ordained for this facility here, for this ministry, and for that land over there. He says there’s a rattling going on in the spirit. Those dry bones in the spirit are rattling. And the enemy has to turn a loose in Jesus name and there is a resurrection power. He is raising up that which he ordained for that land in Jesus name. Lord, I hear the dry bones rattling over to my right and this facility over here. I’m hearing it. I’m hearing the sound. And so right now in Jesus name I just speak to the enemy and say let loose and let it go. Loose it and let it go in Jesus name. Loose it and let it go. It’s in the land. Lord where there has been a broken bone in the Spirit realm for this facility under this ground over there and it has broken here and it’s broken and the Spirit of God is easily to be welcomed in to move, I call it back into alignment and the Spirit in Jesus name and I speak to the enemy and I say let it go, let it go in the name of Jesus. Let it go in Jesus name.”


“Father in the name of Jesus as a member of Global Vision Faith Center in Philadelphia, Mississippi Lord and as a daughter of the Most High God and King of Kings and Lord of lords, Father I come out, on behalf of this ministry, with agreement of confusion, strife, and division, and I know there is not, but y’all just bear with me. But what’s in the land concerning the dry bones knowingly or unknowingly and Father God I come before You and I repent for where there was strife way before it became Global Vision Faith Center, Lord on the land. Where there was agreement with the enemy and there was confusion and there was hatred, there was malice, there was jealousy. Father I come out of agreement with that in Jesus name and we come into alignment Father with a healed bones of the land. We come into agreement with Your will and Your plans and Your purposes Lord for the land on my right into my land. Father I thank You Lord, thank You Jesus for what you are doing and Father where there was negative demonic sound from the broken bones, I ask you Holy Spirit to cleanse it with the blood of Jesus the sound of the brokenness, the jealousy, the hatred, the confusion, the division, and I ask You Holy Spirit to replace it with what Sheila was singing about while ago. About the joy. The joy of the Lord and I thank You for the life in the blood and I thank You for a strong foundation in Jesus Christ. And Father, I thank You that the strength of the land is in the joy of the Lord. In Jesus name.”


Everyone just pray over their land, pray over your land and tell the enemy to get out of it


“As y’all have been singing about the dry bones, what I was sensing was the Lord was even saying it’s the dry bones in His church. That He is bringing life, He is bringing new revelation of the blood, of the blood of Jesus and it’s for His church body that has fallen by the wayside that has fallen asleep that He is reviving. Because there is a fresh revelation and fresh revelation of the blood, of the blood of Jesus that brings the life that causes those bones to live, that causes that bone marrow to come alive, that causes that physical body to stand up to proclaim the majesty and the goodness in the miraculous power of Jesus. So it is for His church that new revelation of His blood, the blood of Jesus that is going to set His captives free in the church.”


“I just have to say this and I feel led to say it. And this is what I heard the Lord say to do so don’t write Ruth Ann, don’t send any nasty messages but Father as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ I come before You and I repent for the body of Christ that have held people back for not teaching the full gospel of Your Word. Father I repent and I ask that You cleanse the Ecclesia that You forgive us Lord and I just thank You Lord in Jesus name.”


“What I saw was the dry bones being reset. And it resets your footsteps so you can walk in your destiny hallelujah. You know if Noah had been disobedient to what the father had told him to do for all of those 120 years that it took, hallelujah, he would have died. There’s repercussions with disobedience. Hallelujah for Noah. Go Noah. Hallelujah that he was obedient to do what the Lord said even though the world and the chaos was going around him. The mockery. I mean can you imagine the persecution that man went through? And he kept his eyes on what the Lord was saying and what he was hearing what God was telling him to do. And they live. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory. And you know what Noah did, he rose above the mentality of that day. He rose above his circumstances, he rose above of seeing things that was going on in the natural around him and listening to things down here like a chicken with his head down clucking on the ground but he rose up like an eagle and was obedient to the Lord and his Word. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. The Lord says don’t live on a low level, don't live on a low level but He is causing you to rise up. Rise up. Just as the water and the rain came and lifted that ship, that boat, that arc up out of the water, they didn’t go under but they floated on top of the water which I’m seeing in the Spirit is symbolic of Jesus walking on the water and it’s time for the Ecclesia to rise up and walk on the water at a higher level in the Spirit. And the Lord said that even though there are those that are looking and walking on the lower level like the chicken poking its head down at the ground eating all of the seed that’s thrown out to him The Lord says just as My children, I parted the Red Sea and my children went through. He says those that want to obey God, He says there’s many categories of my Ecclesia. You have a heart to serve God but you’re not being taught how to rise above your circumstances to walk on the water as Jesus did. The Lord says I am parting the water in your life because it is my mercy, it is my grace to see My body, to see the Ecclesia from going under. But we’re going over. Oh Lord we live and move and breathe and have our being in the Holy Spirit through You Jesus Christ through You Father God. And Father God just as You and Jesus and Holy Spirit are one but yet you’re three so we are. And so Father help us Holy Spirit, You are our helper to help us not to be like a chicken clucking and a plucking and a scratching and not ever getting anywhere but Father we won’t eat the seed, we won’t eat the seed of the enemy that’s being thrown out in this world but Father we will be like the eagle and we will rise up just as Jesus rose from the dead and we will soar as eagles to that higher place. Forgive us Father where we have lived so below our level of thinking and our mentality. Father forgive us where we have given in and caved in to this world system. Forgive us Father for listening to the voices of the enemy and the enemy of our circumstances when things aren’t going right. Father we repent. I repent, Father. And I ask you Holy Spirit to help us to rise up to be just like Noah just like Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. Just like Debra. Just like Jesus and the disciples Father. That we would rise up and be who You have called us to be. Father, help us not to see in this world mindsets to the programming to the enemy into the negative but Father there’s a transformation that is going on in the Spirit realm with the Ecclesia because Father hearts are crying out to You this day and they’re crying out to God, save me. Help me. But Lord You do have pity on those who cry out to You and You do hear prayers but Father it’s not their tears and their cries that You respond to it is faith. In You and Your word. And so Father the Word says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of the Lord and Father just as the Word of the Lord has gone out this day in this place it will not return void in Jesus name. But Father every hearer that heard the word of the Lord go to this day out that it would take root and they would start responding and doing in Jesus name. Hallelujah.”


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