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October 27, 2019

“Father, there’s been covenants made on this earth by the tongue, Father God. There’s been covenants between men, Father God. There’s been covenants, Father God that was spoken with the tongue, Father God and signed and sealed only with the tongue, Father God. But, Father God, in the spirit realm they became written covenants, Father God that worked against Your Kingdom, Father God and we declare this day, Father God, we speak, Father God that those covenants that resists You, moving in this earth come down, Father God. We speak to the north, and the south, and the east and to the west, Father God and we say give up those covenants Father God that You are holding that is stopping the work of the living Lord Jesus upon this earth. And we say, Lord Sabaoth, King of glory, come in. Come in. Come in this day. Lord of Hosts, You are welcome into this earth today.”

“And we speak to the north gate of the Mississippi territory and we say open up ye gate. Open your doors up for the King of glory. And every door that has been shut to the King of glory on the north gate open up and let the King of glory come in. We speak to the east gate of the Mississippi territory and we say open up. Open up all you gates, open up you ancient doors and let the King of glory come in. We speak to the south gate of the Mississippi territory and we say the doors are open. The floodgates are open. And let the gates open wide for the King of glory to come in. We open the doors to the west gate and we say west gate, hear, hear, this is your King, this is your true King. This is the Ancient of Days. This is Elohim, this is Lord Sabaoth. Open up your doors, open up your gates. Swing them open wide and let the King of glory come in.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

”Open up ye gates, open up ye doors. The King of glory is coming in. God of the angel army, He’s God of the angel army. God of the angel armies, He’s here. Can you hear the angel armies? Can you hear the angel army? Hear the angel army, they are here.”

“I hear the Lord say advance beyond from where you are now. He said advance beyond where you are now. He said advance, advance, advance. Advance from where you have let Him take you today. There’s new weapons. There’s new weapons, there’s new weapons for you to overcome. He said advance. Advance from where you are now. Advance, advance, we go forward. We advance. Pick up your weapon, lay down the old thing. He’s got something new for you. Advance. Advance, move forward. Advance, walk forward. Pick up the new and advance. Pick up your new weapon. Pick up your new clothing and advance with the angel army. Advance. Run at the enemy. We have a strategy. We run at the enemy, we advance. No we never back down. No we never step back. We run at the enemy, we advance.”

Sheila Zehr

“Just a few minutes ago you said, let’s go. At that point, we were given our marching orders. I’ve been just kinda sitting on this and it just flows with what you are kinda saying. We are called to not have fear. We are called right now, here today to possess and occupy. There is no room for fear. We have to possess and occupy today. That is our advancement. Possess and occupy.”

Konnie Victory

Prophetic Song

“We possess and we occupy. We possess and we occupy. We possess and we occupy, we advance. We run at the enemy, we run at the enemy. We possess and we occupy, we advance. We advance. Ask Him what is your weapon. Ask to see your weapon today and pick it up then possess and occupy and advance. We have a new weapon. He has a new weapon for you. Pick it up. Possess and occupy, we advance.”

“So what I’m getting about this, your weapon is not necessarily going to be a sword or a dagger or whatever. Like I’m seeing, somebody is getting a pair of boots. And this is not just for here. This is for anybody that’s watching. Ask the Lord what your weapon is. When Ruth Ann first said that about weapons, I felt I heard bagpipes. That sound in those battles, the people would be drawn to. The people would go toward the bagpiper. So Father God, we’re asking that You would make our eyes clear that we see the weapon that you have for us that we are to pick up today. And You show us how we are to use it.”

“And You show us how to advance. Possess and we occupy. Possess and we occupy. Possess and we occupy, we advance. “

Sheila Zehr

“This is what God is showing me. He’s showing me a treasure chest coming out of the sea, coming out of the river, some coming up out of the land. And He says, your enemies have been holding your inheritance. He said it’s time now that you advance and you possess the gates of your enemies and you close your gate. He said it is the year for you to control your enemies gate.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

”We advance. Here comes your inheritance at the gate of the enemy. We take the gate of the enemy, we advance. Here comes your inheritance. The enemy gives it up. Take the gate of your enemy, advance. We advance. We possess, we occupy, we takeover. It’s our gate now. We advance. We advance. No whispering in the gate now. No whispering in the gate now. We take the gate of the enemy, we advance. The spoils of the war, they are ours. Pick up the spoils now. Take the gate of the enemy, we advance. The sea gives up our inheritance. The sea gives up the inheritance. We possess and we occupy, we advance.“

Sheila Zehr

“Sheila as you were saying command the gates or was it Ruth Ann that said charging the gates of the enemy. One thing that I have been doing in this season is, and I’ve gotten the revelation and I thank the apostle for teaching us. I’ve been getting up and commanding my morning. The saints of God, that’s a gate. We’ve got to start taking the morning back from where the enemy has been speaking his stuff over us. We’ve got to take it back. All creation listens to our voice. The sun, the moon and the stars were created for the glory of God. All creation is moaning and groaning for the sons of God to be revealed. Speak to your day. Command your day. Command what you want to see for that day. In the morning, the rising of the sun, before it rises, that is the gate the enemy has been using against us. We reverse it and send it back to his camp.”

Sharon Chenier

Prophetic Song

“We command our morning, we advance. We have the morning, God has the morning. We command our morning, we advance. We command our morning, we command our morning, We command our morning and we advance. We release the fear of the Lord. We release the fear of the Lord. We release the fear of the Lord on our day. Everything in the fear of the Lord. We advance. We advance. We possess and we occupy the gates of the enemy, the gates of our morning and we advance. We possess and we occupy. Even run at the enemy, we command our morning and we advance. We advance.”

“Pulling heaven to earth, the earth as it is in heaven. whoa….

Sheila Zehr

“In the holy hush of the Lord, the holy hush of the Lord, the Rider on the white horse has entered into this sanctuary. Listen. Listen. That horse is panting, He is ready. He is here, He is here, He is here. Worship, worship. The King of Kings is here. Fall on your face. The King of glory is here. We worship You, King Jesus. We praise and honor Your name. The King of Kings and the Lord of lords. Our champion, Jehovah Sabaoth is His name. Listen as He calls your name to battle. You don’t go it alone. You don’t go in fear. He goes before us. We have been commissioned. We are being commissioned today to mount up to go possess and occupy and go up to that higher level in Him.”

Konnie Victory

“I hear the Lord saying for some of you, that was probably your first time you have ever been in the holy hush of the Lord to work to that point. For some of you it was new. Isn’t that awesome. But you know when we say, and you don’t know how to say it, Jesus is all you need. And somebody else who has never experienced Him. It’s like telling somebody that a cup of mocha coffee is wonderful and it’s all they need. And they don’t have an experience to say yes it is, right? But if I can get my experience to the point that I’m not looking to the world or to myself and I realize that He’s everything and I learn how to listen and tap into Him, because we even talked last week, what’s the way He comes? He comes in revelation and the revelation is the answer to the next thing. And He does move things out of your way and cause impossible situations to become possible and you can’t explain how things happen but He comes in the revelation to you personally. And He’s all you need because He will give you that and suddenly something will work out in your life and you will say I don’t understand how it happened. It happened because He showed up. But you had to tap Him first and let Him come in. Now sometimes you think about miracles, but miracles happen because of invested hours by somebody somewhere on the intercession floor. When the Brownsville revival broke out they had spent 13 years asking for it. It was a one-day suddenly that didn’t stop for years. But they had spent 13 years asking for it and God had spent 13 years cleaning them up to handle it. Because when He starts pouring out the next thing, He’s already expecting me to be there to handle what He’s pouring out. You see, I’m responsible to steward what I’m asking for. It’s really true. If I’m asking for awakening, that’s what America is asking for now. I’ve got to understand what awakening is and how to steward it. Awakening is not an inside church revival anymore. That’s not what people are on their knees crying for now. It’s where it touches society and society is transformed. That’s different. See I’m not asking just to come inside the church. When I’m asking for this level, I’m asking to steward outside of the church and see Jesus enter society and transform society. And the enemy knows that’s the prayer and he is trying to take society in the other direction so rapidly.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

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