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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

October 25, 2020

Prophetic Song

“We’re going higher, we’re heading up. Going higher, heading up. Higher and higher. burn it up Lord. Burn it up, Father. I’m seeing an electric current. I’m seeing the fire, the fire. Thank you Jesus, Thank you Father for burning it up. Burning it up. Thank You, Lord. Burning it up, burn it up. Hallelujah. Holy Ghost fire. Burning it up, burning it up, Lord. Pressing deeper, pressing higher. Digging deeper, pressing higher to a place we’ve never been. Wanna see things we’ve never seen. We receive it, Lord. Deeper, deeper. Higher, higher, deeper, higher. A new sound we've never heard, a new sound we’ve never heard. Can you hear the sound of the Lord coming from heaven up above? A new beat we’ve never heard, a new beat we’ve never heard. A new note we’ve never heard before. Pushing into the new thing. Coming from heaven.”


“This morning the Lord was putting in my spirit the words resurrection power. And so as we are playing this beat, I am feeling the earth, the power of the resurrection power of the name of Jesus. I am feeling that beat on this land. And the Father is about to resurrect those things that have died in this land. The Father is calling forth from this land, His original intent. He is resurrecting this day His original intent for this land.”


“As we began to play and sing this morning, I immediately went into the spirit and I saw the portal of heaven right here, the portal of heaven. And over here is an ancient safe. That’s what you’re picking up on. It’s an ancient safe. I’ve seen it before. And I saw with the angels some scrolls that were being released from heaven. I saw the scrolls coming down. But I heard the Lord say that this ministry, Global Vision, is going into another phase into the higher places in God. Where there’s been a block, it’s not stagnant, but it’s like a blockage. The Lord says that this ministry will go global. That there will be churches all over this nation in strategic places that God places there. And then it will go more global in areas. And I’m seeing the finances just flood in just like a river, like a rushing river finances into this ministry, And the Lord says to read the scrolls because yes, there’s scrolls, but there’s ancient scrolls for what was written long ago concerning the land. But I’m seeing new scrolls being released for Global Vision and for this ministry. The Lord says no longer, no longer will it be held back in some areas, but it will flourish like never before. For there will be those that will contact this ministry and say what are you doing? How are you doing this? And Ruth Ann, I’m seeing you on TV. The Lord says He’s opening up doors for you because people are going to want to interview you. They're going to want to know your God. They’re going to want to know the power of God and what you’re doing and God gets all the glory. And the Lord says, and I’m hearing this just as clear be careful of wolves in sheep's clothing that will try to come into you and get into your inner court. He says He is enhancing your discernment to a greater level. You have great, great discernment, but the Lord says He is going to increase that discernment and those gifts and callings in you because I’m seeing the ministry spreading like a wildfire, by the fire of Holy Spirit. And there will be those that will come and will be delivered and set free just under the anointing. There will be those that listen by TV, not just zoom, but TV stations that will be set free by the power of God. He says He’s kept you under the radar for a time, but it’s time to rise above the radar and let your voice be heard in a greater measure across this nation, across the nations.”

“And I also saw the safe over here that I’ve seen a while back and He says it’s time to release those things and unlock what the enemy has kept bound on this land and in this ministry because God has already made the provision for the vision and He’s says He is bringing it to pass. He’s bringing it to pass. I’m seeing wealth. I’m seeing finances come in from unreliable sources that you never thought of. Thank You, Father. And those that sit under your ministry, because wealth is on you, the anointing to increase is on you, those that sit under your ministry will also increase spirit, soul and body. For there are those that have already started to increase, and there’s come that are walking in it. For the Lord is bringing the people under a higher level under that anointing, under that umbrella of wealth. Spirit, soul and body.”


Prophetic Song

“Wanna go deeper, wanna go deeper. The power that rose Jesus from the dead. It’s in you. The resurrection power that rose Yeshua from the dead it’s in me. Wanna go deeper. We want more, stir it up. Stir it up. Wanna go deeper. Wanna go deeper, deeper. Wanna go higher, higher and higher. Going higher. Resurrection, resurrection, resurrection. Going higher, seeing new sights from the land.”


“So what I kept seeing with the sound and the beat was like plants pushing up in the ground like in the spring when you plant your garden. And this is fall, when things are supposed to be dying. Leaves are changing, falling to the ground, but I was seeing new life springing up from the land.”


“Well, I’m kinda in awe right now because as soon as I hit the platform this morning, I saw an angel standing over here behind Sheila. And now, there’s one more, over here on this side and I’ve been standing here asking the Lord why are they here. Because I did see the angels coming down the portal with all these scrolls. It’s almost like a holy fear turning around but I don’t know why they’re here. They’re here for a reason. So if we could just press into that to find out because I believe that there is something very strategic that’s happening in the spirit realm not only on the land but in this ministry. And it has to do with ancient things that the Lord has ordained before the foundations of the world and for this ministry. And it’s global. So, Lord, why are the angels here? And we welcome them. They’re here. I also saw this morning, the fire angels this morning. The holy fire burning up the electrical current of the demonic. I saw it. I’m just in awe right now. Another thing that I heard and I saw it. I was coming along with them but I saw the cloud of witnesses and I heard them along with the angels singing. And every time we would sing they would sing with us. We weren’t singing with them, they were singing with us. And it was so holy because I could see the cloud of witnesses looking over the banisters of heaven and I could hear them.”


“So Father, we exalt You. We worship you. We honor You, we glorify You, Father. We welcome the angelic hosts, we welcome the scrolls, Father. Allow the scrolls here to be open and read. We welcome the strategy. We welcome the knowledge that we will use for Your Kingdom. We welcome the understanding and Father, we welcome the Spirit of Wisdom that shows us how to use the understanding properly. So, sister Spirit of Wisdom, we invite you. We welcome the Spirit of Might that shows us how to carry out the instructions with wisdom and understanding. And Father, we welcome the Spirit of the Lord, Your Spirit. And the first time Your Spirit ever fell in the Bible, Your Spirit fell upon a human being was related to business, was related to building the temple. It was related to work. It wasn’t related Lord to things that we think. It was related to the work of the hands. And so Father God, as Your Spirit falls, we allow You to put the work of our hands into the places it needs to go today. And Father, we welcome the Spirit of Awe. Just stop and bask in the Spirit of Awe a minute. What miracle has He done for you in the past? Call the miracle back. What miracle of overcoming have you walked in? Now just receive. That’s how David always got himself to the next place. He went back to the last miracle. He didn’t look at the problem. He looked at the last miracle. Now look at your last miracle. Feel it. Feel the emotion of the miracle. Feel how good it was when you know God came through. And Lord, we welcome You. So Holy Spirit, we welcome You in this place. And Father, where we have walked in hopelessness, we walk in hope. And Father, where we’ve not worked with the angels, we now receive angelic assistance. And Father, where we’ve not worked with Your seven Spirits, You Father, we welcome the seven Spirits. And so Father, we worship You. We exalt You, Father.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Holy, holy, holy. Holy, holy, holy. Dance with You, we dance with You. We sing with You, we give You praise. We worship You, Lord. We worship You with all that we are. You are holy, so beautiful. We dance with You. We trust You, Lord with our everything and we dance with You. You are holy. You’re our everything. We exalt You, Lord. From this place we receive Your strength. From this place, we receive Your strategy. From this place, we will war. We will fight for You. We honor You. We honor You. From this place, from this place, Lord, we dance with You. We honor You. This is where we receive the strength. This is where we receive Your heart. We honor You. We honor You. We honor You. We exalt You, we honor You. We exalt You, Lord. We magnify You, Lord. We magnify You, Lord. We honor You. We honor You, Lord. We sing Your praises. Oh Ancient of Days, we sing Your praises, we magnify Your name. We honor You, Lord. We lift You higher. We magnify you, oh Lord. We honor You, we praise You, we adore You, we love You, we sing to You, we dance to you. We honor You, oh God. The everlasting Ancient of Days, we love to sing, we love to dance with You, Lord. You are the air we breathe. You are the song we sing. You are the air we breathe. You are the song we sing. Our everything. And the answers are coming. Revelation’s coming, strategies are coming. Strategies written a long ago for the answers to flow. Open up the scrolls, read what’s on them. For the answers are written are long ago. There coming up, coming up, coming up alive on the pages of the scrolls.”


“I’m seeing letters, I’m seeing words on the scrolls and they’re dancing and they’re singing. They’re dancing and they’re singing. The Lord says that He’s been waiting for such a time as this to open up the scrolls of the ancient, the ancient scrolls that have been written about this land, about our state, about our nation and about the nations. And they’re dancing. The words are dancing, they’re singing because there’s a release in the spirit realm this day. And He says, all the places, all the places, all the things are coming together. They’re coming together. And yes, even the strategies. And the Lord says it’s not going to be hard, it’s not going to be difficult because it’s all written out and it’s part of His plan. And He says you take those words as they dance and they sing and let them be imprinted on your heart because it will bring the resurrection power to the land and to your hearts, into the state, into the nation, and to the nations. Every time I say nations, I want to cry. The Lord says He’s heard the people, He’s heard their cries and He says but it’s all coming together. Because He has released those scrolls. They’re not bound up anymore, they’re not tied up. They’re being opened and released this day.”


“So we dance with You, we sing with You, we partner with the Ancient of Days. And we listen to what You say as provided the way. We’re dancing with You, Lord. We’re singing with You, Lord. We rejoice and honor You. We honor You.”


“So what I’m hearing is the scrolls that are in the vault, there’s instruction and the instruction is faith, healing, and worship. The instruction is Global Vision Faith Center, Global Vision Healing Center, Global Vision Worship Center. Global Vision Faith Center will be the start of it and that will occur once we start officially naming this building and that will be when our name goes up on the front.”


Prophetic Song

“We worship You, we honor You, we praise You, Oh God. We praise You, we exalt You. We honor You, we honor You. We dance with You, we sing with You, we raise a hallelujah, hallelujah to You, Lord. Hallelujah, we praise You, we honor You, we magnify You. We dance with You, we sing with You, we shout with You, we praise You. We honor You, we exalt You. We magnify You, Lord. Have Your way, Lord. We partner with You, Lord. We honor You. We exalt You. We raise a hallelujah to You, Lord. Faith, we agree with the faith. Healing, we agree with the healing. Worship, we worship You, Lord. We come into agreement. Faith, we agree with the faith. Healing, we agree with Your healing. Worship, we join in worship to You. Faith, we agree with the faith. Healing, we agree with Your healing. Worship, we worship You. Because what I heard when Sonja said the words were dancing, I heard His revelation, it’s alive. Your revelation it’s alive and works with us. Lord we work with Your revelation too. It’s alive. Wisdom we work with You. Wisdom we work with You. It’s alive, it’s alive. Hallelujah. Joy in awe, joy in awe of You, Lord.”


I don’t know what roses mean, but I’m seeing roses. I’m seeing roses just falling from heaven. Just beautiful, beautiful roses. And the fragrance. There’s a fragrance with the roses but it’s not like the typical fragrance that you would smell in an earthly rose, it’s a heavenly rose. But there’s just multiple roses, just beautiful released from heaven. Thank You, Father for the fragrance, Lord. Thank You Father for the roses. I don’t know what that means but I’m seeing roses. Thank You, Father.”


“OK the 2 angels I saw earlier, when I saw them they were just standing there. Now they’re standing there with their arms stretched out praising God.”


Prophetic Song

“There’s healing in the wings of the Lord. There’s faith, there's healing, there’s worship. There’s worship in the Lord. There’s a fragrance of healing coming from the roses. There’s a fragrance of faith coming from the roses. There’s a fragrance of worship coming from the roses. There’s life, there’s resurrection power.”


“Ok, we’ve seen the scrolls, but I’m seeing documents and I’m actually seeing documents in a leather, old, ancient folder. And the Lord says that on these documents, there’s been illegal transactions that are being reversed. Because there’s been a release of His glory. And He says on these documents, you don’t even have to fight for it because He’s doing it. There’s some battles you engage in and there’s some that are God’s and the Lord says this is My battle and I win. Because whatever is on these documents that were illegally done and this goes back ancient. I’m seeing an ancient, whether it was through word or deed, or however these documents came to be, it doesn’t matter. I just know that they’re being reversed and the Lord says He’s taking care of this. He’s taking care of this that you don’t have to. He says He’s doing this. So Father I thank You right now that You are a holy God and You are a just God. He said you will see justice come in this county and on this land and throughout the state of Mississippi and in this nation. Where there’s been bloodshed, where there’s been defilement, He’s taking care of some things. He’s taking care of it that go way, way, way, way back. Way back. This is ancient things that were done illegally. Illegal trade. And He's' causing those things to be washed away, to be burned up and the correct alignment in the spirit realm legally in the court of heaven. I’m seeing the court of heaven where God is doing it. He’s fixing it. That’s the best way I can describe it and that’s in my own words. And I’m seeing in the court of heaven those that have joined the great cloud of witnesses that were on this land in this area and the Lord says justice will be served. And there’s a release, there’s a release in those documents, those illegal trades are being demolished. And what I’m hearing that through this, through the generation, through the bloodline there’s a release. Not only in the land but in families of those that have gone on to be with the Lord but those that are still on the earth that are still in that bloodline. That’s what I’m hearing, that’s what I’m seeing. And so the great cloud of witnesses are singing and they’re dancing because I’m hearing the Lord say this is the time for these things to be released. It’s all in His timing for the great awakening that’s coming.”


🎵”We say yes, Lord. Yes Lord we agree with You. Yes Lord for Your righteousness. Yes Lord. We say yes, Lord. Yes Lord we agree with You. We say Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord we agree with You. Yes Lord, we say yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. We say yes, Lord.”🎵


“Sonja, when you were talking, the Lord showed me this word. SOW. I saw it. It’s like it was being, like the Lord’s breath or something was blowing - I’ll use the word dust loosely, but blowing off. And I saw the word SOW. And so I’m just thinking that I need to do my part today and ask that as we come together unified for this faith center, for this miracle center, for this worship center that we have an opportunity to sow into that vision today. So I just want to elicit a response today from everyone that is listening that we get to sow into the vision, into the ancient scrolls, into what the Lord has released today as we stand in faith and we watch and we wait and see what Father God is going to do as we sow.”


Prophetic Song

”We sow into finances, we sow with our worship, we sow with our time. We sow with our prayers. We lift the vision up, Lord. We call it forth, Lord as we sow into You, Lord. You know, it’s really all about sowing into God. That’s what you’re doing. You’re sowing into the vision because He’s already made the provision. But you’re sowing your time, you’re sowing your finances, you’re sowing your worship, you’re sowing your prayers, intercession. Sowing your good attitudes, amen. Because when we are in one accord, it brings the power of the Lord. The anointing, the praise, the worship, the healing, the faith, the finances are here. I heard this this morning and I didn’t know where it fit in. When I saw the Lord, the fire burning up the demonic electricity and I heard surge of energy. There’s a surge of energy when we come together, getting out positive results in the spirit realm. There’s a power surge. So Father, I just thank You for unity. I thank You Father, that we are in one accord, Father. Father, I thank You for the surge of energy in each and every one of us that comes from heaven. Thank You, Father, that You are rewiring. You’re doing a rewiring in some to bring about the positive energy in each and every one of us, Father. And as we come together in unity in the Spirit, there’s a power surge of energy that comes from heaven and we won’t be short circuited in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah.”


Prophetic Song

“Holy Ghost fire. Let the fire fall. There’s fire in the surge of energy of unity. It’s the Holy Ghost fire. It’s the Holy Ghost fire bringing the power of the Lord. It’s not by might, it’s not by power, it’s by the Spirit of the living God that brings the might, that brings the power of the Lord. It’s the Holy Ghost fire and there’s a surge of power. Burn it up. Fire of God burn it up. Oh, I see the chains falling. Be burned up.”


“Ok there’s somebody watching or somebody here or somebody that’s been praying for somebody but I am seeing eyes being healed. There’s a surge of fire going through those eyes. The eyes are being healed. Eyes are being healed and restored right now. Hallelujah. I’m seeing the fire come out of the eyes. Thank You, Father. It’s interesting because I’m not seeing the fire go into the eyes but I’m seeing the fire come out of the eyes being healed. Thank You, Jesus. Somebody’s been having problems with a right ear. There’s been some things going on. I don’t know if it’s a birth defect or what it is, but the Lord says He’s healing that right ear right now in Jesus’ name. Right ear. Somebody’s been having knee problems. Your left knee has been bothering you giving you some problems. The Lord says He’s healing it right now. If you will stretch your leg out, stretch your legs straight out. And I’m seeing the healing, the fire. The healing going into the left knee right now in Jesus’ name. There’s been a tumor on the right upper lobe of your lung that tumor is being burnt up by the fire of God. Healing, healing, healing right now in Jesus’ name. You’re being healed right now in the name of Jesus. And like I said, I don’t know if it’s, it could be a family member that you’re praying for or friend, but I’m seeing healing. Healing in that right upper lobe of the lung. I’m seeing a liver that’s been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. The Lord says place your right hand where your liver is and feel the fire. God’s healing that cirrhosis of the liver that it will be a new liver. You won’t need a transplant. You don’t have to make your funeral arrangements. He says you’re not going to die. You’re going to live and declare the works of Jesus Christ. Ok, I’m seeing a young female who has been believing God for children and your womb has not been fruitful and the Lord says that He is healing you. That you will conceive a child. You will conceive that child. Do not lose hope. For He says I will bring the life. I am life, healing. There’s healing. Ok, I’ve been fighting this one, but I’m seeing an elderly gentleman, who’s up in age who’s had some cognitive, irrational thinking and you’ve been diagnosed with Alzheimer's or dementia. And the Lord says that if you will just cry out to Him, He will make you whole again to where you can think clearly and speak clearly.”


Prophetic Song

“Revelation is alive. We walk with You, Lord. The Word of God is alive. We agree, we agree with You. We position ourselves. Position yourself. Receive, receive, receive.”


“Father God, we thank You for healing. Father God we just thank You for healing, for Your healing hand just going down and touching. And so Father God, the atmosphere, Father God, the atmosphere that has come over, just a blanket, Father God. This morning I was looking, if you will look, there is something very strange that is going on in the atmosphere. If you will look there is the same cloud coverage, it’s the same cloud coverage and you can pull this up on google and you can look at it that goes all across North America all the way down into Central America. We’re all under the same cloud coverage. That’s very unusual. There’s only one break in the whole cloud and that is in Florida. There’s a little bit of Florida that’s not under this cloud coverage. So Father, we pray this morning, Father God that any heaviness that’s in the atmosphere, anything that’s coming to the atmosphere, Father God to bring gloom over our whole country, over 2 or 3 countries, Father God, we’re just speaking to that now and we tell it to let up. And so Father God, we speak Father God, that You will come through this cloudiness, Father God, this gloom that is covering continents now, Father God and that Your voice and Your healing will come through Father. So Father, we thank You, Father. We thank You, Father God for Your healing. And we thank You Father God, that You, Father, will have Your way and not man’s way will be done. Not man, but Your way, Father. And we thank You for that, in the name of Jesus.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

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