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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

October 24, 2021

“So sometimes when we play this song it’s different. Like I can see Konnie back there and dancing but what I’m getting with his beat with this song, specifically today, it’s like a crescendo though. It’s like it’s coming. Something is coming and if you listen to or watch a thriller movie and it starts getting louder and louder and louder and louder, something is coming.”


“So I want to share what I’ve been getting. It’s like, this is a unique moment. It’s like we’re digging deep. We’re pioneering something. We need to continue. We need to go a little bit deeper, a little bit deeper because we are about to unearth a treasure. Keep going, keep going, keep going. We are about to unearth a treasure. That we know not yet of.”


“I don’t know if I’m going to be able to relay this exactly like I’m seeing, but we listened to Chuck Pierce coming over here. And Leanne was talking about the movement of your feet and so what I’m saying is that we have got to participate in what is taking place. We’ve got to get our feet moved, we have to get our feet moving in action. We need the momentum of our feet. Because if we don’t move our feet, we may get so rooted and grounded in where we think we are supposed to be. God may have a different direction but if we don’t get our feet moving and allow the breaking of the ground, we may miss the next step that we are supposed to take. So I just want to encourage people to get your feet moving, get them unstuck from that familiar place and allow the Lord to move your footing and allow the Lord to open up that brand new land, that brand new horizon in Jesus name.”


“So Father I just thank You as we, as Your vessels have feet on the land. I saw this a while ago. And it was kind of strange. But what I saw, when you’re talking about digging deep and going deep and deep and deep in breaking the land, that there has been some hard places to break. And as we step on the land and as we dance upon the land and as we walk upon the land I saw swords out of the bottom of our feet going into the land and breaking the land. Going deep, deep, deep. And then I saw these gold shovels. They were gold. Shoveling out the treasures that God is wanting to unlock. And I saw a huge vault in the earth that is an ancient spiritual vault and the Lord says you have the key to unlock the vault to release the treasure today. So Father as we give You glory and honor. To You Lord, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. We take our spiritual keys and we unlock the vault and we release the treasure. We release the treasure and we say come out. Come out. Come out. In Jesus name. Lord it is not something that You are withholding from us but it is available to us. And so Father we receive the treasure. We receive in Jesus' name. And Lord I hear you. It’s your business what You want to do with the treasure. So Father just as You have released Your treasure today, we give it back to You and we say Holy Spirit have your way. In the name of Yashua hamasciah. Hallelujah father I thank you that the Holy Ghost fire is something that is not contained or controlled. We lose the power of your Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit fire that we don’t contain it. You’re not holding it back from us but we release it. We come in agreement with you Holy Spirit. This is a fire that is not to be contained but to be spread throughout the land. And so we thank you in the name of Jesus.”


Father, I thank you. I’m seeing it Lord, the river of life that is flowing. The rivers, the dams are being burned up that have been damned up by the enemy. No more, no more. And I want to put satan and his demons in remembrance that they will be in the lake of fire throughout eternity. And I want to remind all of the witches and warlocks and all of the occult practices that have been going on. All the witchcraft that you are defeated and I don’t even want to bring attention to you today but I just want to speak to you in the spirit realm and say you are defeated and it will not work. It will not work, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. God, you are more powerful. And I want to say and I want to decree and declare that every, Lord shall I? I will. Those that have put idols before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and have exalted idols, false idols, who have practiced idolatry, witchcraft you are coming down. You are coming down in Jesus name. You are coming down. Our strong hold is in Jesus Christ; He is our stronghold. He is our power. So we evict you today. All witchcraft in Jesus name we evict you. We give you your eviction notice. Not only the notice that you don’t even have a grace period in Jesus name. In Jesus name. And I thank you Father that the earth and the land is responding to the Holy Ghost fire and the rivers of life and we say spring up oh well. Not only within our souls but within the land. The heart of the land in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Respond. You are responding in Jesus' name to the heartbeat, to the flow of his spirit. In Jesus name.”


“And in Jesus name I speak to the counterfeit of the DNA in the land. I speak to every counterfeit of the false DNA of the land that was planted by the enemy. And I say come out. We loose you in Jesus' name. We don’t bind you to the land, we release you from the land in the name of Jesus. And Father as Your heartbeat beats throughout the land, it beats Your DNA, Your rhythm, Your vibration, Your sound. Hallelujah.”


“And the Lord says where there has been blockages, and where of the arteries of the land have been clogged up, I am releasing them today. For the land will not have a heart attack, it will not have dysrhythmia, it will not have a malfunction in the electrical current of the heart, of My heart. But it will flow freely and it’s a pure heart. And the Lord says do not listen to the rumors that’s going around in the atmosphere. Do not listen to the rumors coming through the media. The Lord says do not listen to the rumors going throughout the Ekklesia. Do not listen to the false prophets and the false teachers. For I am realigning their DNA this day and I am putting a bridle on their tongues so they cannot speak negative, and doom and gloom into the atmosphere. For the Lord says harken unto my heart, harken unto the DNA of the land, harken unto the DNA of My spirit and listen. Listen. The Lord says I am unplugging the deaf in the spirit so they can hear clearly. For the Lord says take this as a warning today. Do not listen to the false prophets and the false teachers. For they will lead you down the wrong path but listen to Me. Listen to Me. Listen. Listen. Can you hear Me? Can you hear Me? Can you hear what I am saying and what I am doing? Oh there is a celebration coming. There is a celebration so rejoice. Rejoice. Rejoice, rejoice says the Lord. Rejoice and be glad. Oh the miracles are coming. The miracles are happening. Healings are happening, deliverance is happening. A sound mind is happening. The cancer, the spiritual cancer that has been on the land is being healed. No more false accusations, no more false and rumors that you will see the truth. You will see and hear the truth. That will set My people free, that will set this date free, that will set this nation free that will go throughout the nation. The Lord says that I am unraveling the twisted knot of the rumors and bringing light and bringing truth to the rumors. The Lord said that there have been those that idolized certain people. A certain nation. A certain tribe of people. When you put them on such a pedestal and you have exalted them above Me. And the Lord said it is coming down for there is one people and one tribe and it is My Ekklesia made up of many nations, made up of many tribes and people groups. But the Lord says do not worship a certain people group. For I am a jealous God. And the Lord says I will be glorified. I will be glorified. In all the earth, in all the earth. Through my people and through the miracles, signs, and wonders. The Lord says I am healing downs syndrome. I am healing downs syndrome. Hallelujah.”


“In the name of Jesus, Father I call forth the Josiah’s, Father God to tear down the idols. Father God I call forth Father God the Daniels. I call forth the David’s. I call forth the Joseph’s, Father God to lead this next generation, Father God into the kingdom that You have created, that You have spoken, Father God that they will arise and they will war and they will fight Father God this next generation, Father God. Father God take blinders off their eyes, Father God. Father God stir up in their DNA and that their DNA begins to vibrate in the words that are spoken over each one of them for them to come alive in the name of Jesus and I give You glory for this next generation. I give you glory for this next generation in the name of Jesus.”


“And I hear the Lord say I am tearing down the pride. Across this nation and across this land. The spiritual pride is coming down. And the Lord says if you will humble yourself and pray you will see the healing of this land.”


“I keep hearing, I keep hearing the word earthquake. There’s an earthquake somewhere I don’t know where it is but there’s an earthquake somewhere that will happen. And the Lord says let this be a sign and a wonder of what I have done this day. Let it be a sign and a wonder of what I have done this day. For there is an earthquake coming. There’s an earthquake. And it’s going to rattle, it’s going to rattle, It’s going to rattle and you’re going to know that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church.”


“I don’t really have any revelation on this but Sonja what you were saying I agree. And what I have been sensing is that Deborah has been pounding a hole down deep in the recesses of the earth and I saw the earth splitting open and I saw fire coming out from where the earth had cracked open.”


“I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m seeing it in the spirit and I am hearing it. But there is something going on in Boston, Massachusetts and I see people running, running in different directions and the Lord says watch Boston, Massachusetts. And I don’t know, if this is spiritual, or if it’s natural, l but I keep hearing Massachusetts. And whatever is happening or is going to happen it’s happening, it’s huge. Coast line, on the coast line the shores of the coast line. The Lord says there’s the spiritual gates of the enemy is being shut and the release of the water and the spirit of the living God is being released. I’m seeing the angels, and the Lord says I’m seeing the angels on the coast line all along the shore with their feet in the water. And this is what I’m hearing and this is what I’m seeing. He said that there have been the intercessors that have gone and prayed and He says that the gates of the enemy haven’t been way out in the deep of the ocean but they’ve been on the coast line right under the water this is where they are and He said they’re closed. He says they’re closed. And He says you start praising Me for the water of my Spirit that has been released into the water.”


“Father, I thank You for the new light. I thank You for the new light, the light on the coast on the coastal shores of our state and of our nation. Thank you Father for the new life. Thank You Father for the new light. Hallelujah.”


“So when you were talking about the Eastern shore, I saw all the way from the top of Rhode Island all the way up there coming down the coast. I say North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, all the way down there. I saw a yellow line and when you started talking about angels they were yellow angels across that coast. It goes to Texas, it doesn't go past Texas. I don’t know the meaning of that and I don’t know the significance of the yellow angels but they were yellow.”


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