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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

October 18, 2020

“I’m seeing these angels of fire. They are heralding an awakening. Horses have been set free and they are full throttle running. Their nostrils are being inflamed. They are going in and out as awakening is coming to the land. Awakening today is coming to the land. These angels of fire, they are heralding awakening this day in Jesus’ name.”


Prophetic Song

“Awakening, awake, awake. Horses released. Whoa. Cleansing fire. Whoa, whoa. When you have a fire, it’s the hottest when you have a lot of dead, dry wood. When you have a fire, you burn the hottest when you have a lot of dead, dry wood. But when it’s a living fire, when there is green and not so hot, but the fire burns hottest, yeah the fire burns hottest when there’s a lot of dead, dry wood. So we Lord, burn it away. Burn it away. Burn away the dead, dry wood in us, in this land, burn it away. Burn it away. Burn hot, Lord. Burn the dead, dry wood. Whoa, whoa. Time to feel the fire. Feel the fire. Time to feel the fire. Send Your fire, send Your fire where it needs to burn. Angels of fire. Release the fire.”


“I just keep hearing the Lord say that what once was, is no more. Then enemy thought he had Jesus when they hung Him on the cross, but little did he know at the time what Jesus was going to do. That He went to the heart of the earth and He took the keys of death and destruction and He rose again and He is alive. So the enemy thought, and he has thought throughout the ages that he could defeat Jesus but he has self deceived himself into thinking evil things that he is above God, but he’s not above God. For Jesus defeated him. And I keep hearing what once was is no more. The mentality of this land has shifted. The mentality of creation has shifted. For creation has been crying out for life, for deliverance and there’s been a shift within the land that once what was is no more and it’s the mentality of the land. For the lungs of the land shall breathe free for it’s breathing in Holy Spirit. The heartbeat in the land will beat freely and pump the blood that needs to supply the land to bring in the great harvest. For you will see those that will begin to react in a positive way not a negative way that go against their past. For they will step in and are stepping in to the new era of what the Lord is doing. Because what once was is no more. There’s a shift. There’s been a transformation. For God says I will not be mocked. For the enemy thought he had won, but he was defeated long ago. For he knows his time is short. Don’t look at the chaos that has gone on because there’s been evil that has manifested. The evil that has manifested has been in the spirit realm a war in the spirit realm has manifested in the natural. But the Lord says I am bringing My glory. I have gathered my troops. People are responding. My people are responding to the call. They’re responding. Don’t look at things in the natural but look at things in the Spirit and see what’s happening beyond in the natural. For judgment has come to the land. There is judgment that’s in the land and you will see. You will see many, many, many things. But I’m here to tell you that God’s glory and His righteousness, His truth has come on the land. Don’t be deceived by what you hear. Don’t even be deceived by your own human spirit but come up here with Me to the third heaven and see from My perspective because that’s where you get the strategies. That’s where you get the downloads. Don’t be deceived in your own wisdom and in your own thought process. For I am pouring out My Spirit says the Lord on all flesh. All flesh to bring them to repentance, to bring them to Me. For their hearts are turning towards Me. For the great harvest has started. It has started. It’s not going to start. It already has started even in the midst of the chaos. So as I give you these strategies and the gates are opened wide, I am pouring out My Spirit to dwell on the inside. And as you walk the land and as you go about your day, remember that I AM Truth and I AM the Way.”


“I’m just going to share what I saw earlier. I hope I can tie it together. Earlier I saw, it was a militant cloud of witnesses that had come in and I’m hearing the Lord say cadence. Cadence. There is a cadence that we need to get into to see the establishment of this awakening to come forth, to partner with the harvest that is taking place right now that you’re talking about. But we have to get into the cadence of the Lord to partner so we can do our part. And we each have a part, but we must get into the cadence of the heartbeat of the Father so we know what our part is in this militant take over of what the enemy thinks he has stolen because we’re taking it back in Jesus’ name.”


“This morning I was up worshipping real early to a song that was a really deep worship song. I don’t know the name of it. I know the words of it but I don’t know the name of it. And I said, oh Lord, that would be awesome for church this morning and He just suddenly said to me no. No. He said it’s your song for right this moment for what I’m talking to you. And then He said something very interesting to me. He said people can be easily triggered back into the last religious move they had with me. He said the last move they had with Me becomes their religion. Do ya’ll get what I’m saying? And now, it’s not a move anymore. It’s a religion. I can have an experience with the Father and if I stay on that experience, like if many of you that were tuned in to Red Water or was at Red Water, we had healing to break out there. It was so cool. Sharon kept on walking around to everybody. It was so cool to see people walking out of there healed. I left healed. I haven’t had a pain in my body since Wednesday night. But Sharon was walking around saying to everybody do you know when you get healed. Because you felt a tremendous healing go through your body like a lot of other people did Wednesday night. It was amazing to see the healing manifest. We couldn’t get people out of there. We were trying to tell them to go home. Go home. Go home. But if everybody holds onto that one move, it now becomes religion. They’re taking it in the cloud of witnesses. They’re taking in the heavenly chambers. It says when you walk upon the sea of glass and below it is the cloud of witnesses and they’re forever making intercession for us on earth. Now you’ve got to remember God chose you to be on earth to fight the battle and not in the cloud of witnesses. I think I would like to be here and finish the race. But He’s looking for this sound. He said He just released the word there’s a sound that you have to come in with Me to release My new sound. My sound that I’m going to have this awakening. And we see the enemy fighting us right now for the awakening. What we’re in a battle right now for in our nation. What we think is a battle for it’s not. It’s the great awakening. And we’re battling for that awakening. There’s been much talk going back to the Civil War and the hurts and pains of the Civil War. Let me give you a true, historical fact of the Civil War. Historical. Lee said before he went into Appomattox courthouse, I have to surrender because I can not see another soldier on both sides die. He walked out of the battle because Grant was known as the butcher. The north lost more sons than the south. They were constantly told to keep fighting and fighting and fighting even when they were being defeated in battle. Do you realize this? That means the enemy, I’m not saying the north was wrong. Don’t get me on that because God created us as a nation. But that shows you a plan of the enemy. He will give up his own over and over and over in order to win. So you’re looking for a sound. I’m telling you, God told you that to tell you this. When you’re looking for a sound that says it doesn’t matter. I’m pushing through. That’s the sound. That’s the cadence you’re looking for. It’s already been won in heaven. But that shows you it’s needed on earth. They need us to win it on earth. Their sound is in heaven and we have to match the sound that’s in heaven for the victory. So you’re looking for a sound.

“I have to say this. I heard the Lord say you have been drafted into My sound. You’ve heard My sound. I have released My sound. You have been drafted into the greatest victory there ever will be.”


“Let Him burn out what’s been holding you back. On the way over here somebody gave me a dream to interpret. And the interpretation of that dream was this person is dying because of unforgiveness. If you’ve got unforgiveness, it doesn’t matter. Folks, I’ve been hurt and wounded just like everybody else. It doesn’t matter. It’s all about you going to the next level. It’s not about holding them, it’s about where you need to go. It’s about you. It’s not about them. It’s about where you need to go. So let fire, fire, fire. Let those watching, let the fire of Holy Ghost burn out all that unforgiveness. There’s some of you that’s supposed to rise up politically, but God’s got to get another level of unforgiveness out of you. Let it go. Let it go. The devil can not have a stronghold in you when election time comes, He says. I don’t know who I’m talking to. There’s somebody that He’s going to raise up and He says get rid of every stronghold. Every stronghold now.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Holy Ghost fire. Holy Ghost fire. Feel the fire. Yield to the fire. Holy Ghost fire. Yield to the fire. Holy Ghost fire. Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy. Holy Ghost fire. Yield to the fire.”


“Yes, so we say Holy Ghost fire, that’s the sound of the cloud of witnesses. It’s the Holy Ghost fire coming. It’s fire.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Holy, holy, holy. There’s holy fire. Holy, holy fire. Holy fire is bringing healing. There’s healing in the fire. There’s healing in the fire. There’s deliverance in the fire. There’s deliverance in the fire. Let it go, let it go. Anger go. Bitterness go, anger go. Healing flow, healing flow. Healing, healing, there’s healing in the fire. There’s healing in the fire. David is being healed. Healing in the fire. COVID has to go. The disease has to go. Burn it up, burn it up, burn it up. Holy Ghost burn it up in the fire. The word COVID has to go. Healing power is to flow. COVID has to go. The word has to go. In the name, in the name, there’s glory, glory, glory. There’s glory, glory, glory in the fire. Oh, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost fire, fire, fire, fire. See the angels of the fire, stepping into the ICU. Holy angels burning with the fire. Stepping into ICU burning up the COVID, burning up the COVID. Burning it up, burning it up, burning it up. They’re stepping in, stepping in, stepping into the rooms of the sick. Stepping in, stepping in. Stepping into the rooms of the sick. They’re being healed, being set free by the fire. By the fire angels on fire by the Lord sent from heaven to walk the floor. COVID is no more. They’re burning it up.”


“I’m seeing the angels of the Lord burning with fire sent from heaven. God sent the angels of fire. I’ve never actually seen angels on fire until today but they’re consumed with the fire of God. And I keep seeing the colors of the fire within the fire there is yellow. There’s blue, there’s orange, there’s red. There’s the sapphire color, the purplish color of the fire. God has sent His angels of the Lord, the fire angels. The angels of fire to go into the hospitals, ICU to burn up the COVID to those that will yield to the fire.”


Prophetic Song

“Yield to the fire, yield to the fire, yield to the fire and rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up. Yield to the fire, yield to the fire.”


“And there’s some of you that walked out of a household with fussing and anger. God says just let it go off of your feet. Quit walking in the anger. God said I want you to walk in My fire of peace, because when this fire burns, it brings peace. It burns out all that is holding that anger, that trauma, and It brings peace.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“Now, yield to the fire, yield to it. Yield to it. Let go of your hurts, let go of your wounds, let go of your pains. I hear the Father saying that I’m releasing the building of wellness centers. Not sick centers, wellness centers. Wellness, wellness to take My people, to take My people into this help for the awakening. He said I’m burning it up. All those diseases. I’m burning up all that fear. Fear. He says there’s been mass fear released in the land and the cloud of witnesses has come against it in heaven and now they’re fighting on earth to take this fear out of the land. He said My people are not doing strategy for the awakening. He says strategy. Strategies are coming out of heaven this day for the great awakening. He said a billion souls. A billion souls. He says I’ve got to have a billion souls. He says what you’re doing now is paving the way for the billion souls. He said focus on the strategy. The souls are coming. Focus on the strategy of how to get there. It’s done in heaven and I need it brought to earth.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“Father, just like the woman in the Bible that said if I can just touch the hem of His garment I know that I will be healed. And she wouldn’t let go. She kept pressing through the crowd and pressing through the crowd and she would not let go And He felt virtue go out of Him. He felt the healing go out of Him into her. So Father, just as she grabbed a hold of His garment, Father, I grab hold in Jesus name. With Your strategies in heaven and Father, I will not let go. We will not let go, Father of heaven, of You, Lord for the strategies, for the wisdom and the revelation and the blueprint of the action that needs to be implemented on this earth, Father that You have in heaven for us. Father, I won’t let go. I won’t let go. I’m hanging onto You, Lord. We’re hanging onto You. We’re not going to let go. And Father, I thank You for the strategies that You’re answering Your children because You’re hearing our cries as we press into you. We won’t let go, in Jesus’ name.”


“Now just this week, I had someone on the phone talking to me that is very wealthy and has the ability to do what I’m about to tell you. See, that’s where Christians have messed up. We need to shake that off. The church taught us poverty. It’s not God. The church taught us poverty and we opened the door to it. We’re like the preacher can't have a nice, new suit of clothes or something. It’s really true. But this person was talking about what God was showing them and that was how to have church in the marketplace. Not a church building but how to have church in the marketplace. It’s a whole new concept isn’t it? Because we always try to put the marketplace over here. We go to church and we don’t try to, but we want to not have church in the marketplace because we can’t talk about Jesus. But they were speaking to me about how they’re about to open their business to have church in the marketplace. It’s a whole new concept, isn’t it? A whole new concept. See that’s awakening. Are you with me? See that’s where awakening is going. And God told me growth. And what we're going to talk about real quick is growth. But what we're going to have to get in that growth is what the sound is this morning. You see, you’ve got to get the concept of what I said earlier. When the enemy is wanting something, the enemy is relentless. So when the enemy wants you, the enemy is relentless. Do you get what I’m trying to say? What we want to do is we try to make everything without pain. And I taught this week at a class I was teaching where when Jesus casts the devil out of the young man. What the devil did he threw the young man to the ground before he came out. When we say Jesus, fix it, we don’t want to be thrown to the ground. Are you thinking with me? We don’t want to hit the ground. We don’t want to get the last slap of the devil. He obeyed Jesus. The devil didn’t disobey Jesus. All Jesus said was come out. There was no other command. There was no command like being told to move. There was no command like you can’t do this, you can’t do that. There was no list of commands given, but come out. And when the boy fell to the ground, everybody thought he was dead. Everybody was looking at him and said you’re dead. Jesus didn’t work. You’re dead. Jesus was the only one that went over and picked him up because everybody stood back and looked. Here this man, who claims He’s the Son of God told the devil to come out and look what the devil just did. So they’re all caught up in the devil’s last slap than going over there and picking him up and let’s get this thing going. And if he had laid there, if he had laid there, he would eventually say it’s no use. Jesus had to go pick him up. So that’s part of what we’re talking about.

Ruth Ann McDonald

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