“It’s like I keep on seeing Jesus on the cross and saying it is finished. And over your situation today, some of you have come in here with a situation heavy on your heart that you’ve been battling for such a long time. And I just keep on hearing Him say it is finished. So just declare that over your life, over the situations. Jesus says it is finished. So should it be finished in your own life. Sometimes we carry things that He said it is already done. And we keep on bringing it back up and bringing it back up and it’s our own fault sometimes. But He says it is finished. So you believe that in your heart today.”
Bubba Alexander
“Some of you may not be aware but there have been several Sundays where the war horses have entered into this room. And I want you to know that they are here again today. And what they are doing, they are inviting us, they are going around in a circular form where this platform is and they are standing mighty proud and they are walking in such majesty and they are calling us to enter into this portal that they are creating. So I just want to invite you to step into what is taking place up here on this platform what they are singing and what they are playing because those horses are inviting us to join in and praise the King of Kings in this portal that they are wanting to create in Jesus’ name.”
Konnie Victory
“Alright Bubba, what you just sang, I hear God saying declare it and sing it in presence tense. Every high place has come down. Every stronghold is broken. He wears the victor’s crown. He has overcome. He has overcome.”
India Nichols
“All those chains Bubba broke off this morning and all those broken pieces that Jackie talked about last week, Holy Spirit, the fire of Holy Spirit is melting them down and He’s giving you a weapon and He’s giving you your freedom and you need to reach out and say I receive it. I receive my weapon. I receive my freedom. I receive in the name of Jesus now, not it’s coming, not it will be, but it’s now.”
India Nichols
“Hallelujah. I just feel that, just can’t shake it, I just know it’s the Lord. Bubba has no idea what my sermon is on today and everything that’s been spoken, this is exactly what God is doing in this place right now. I believe God is opening up a portal over this place and I just want to pray into that. I just want to pray that God would release His presence over us. I just feel the weighty presence of the Lord in here. I just want to pray into that, that God would just absolutely wreck us with His love this morning. Absolutely wreck us with His presence this morning. Jesus, Father, I just pray Lord, I just pray right now Lord that You come in this place Lord Jesus. Lord, we desire a fresh encounter with You, God. We desire a fresh encounter with Your love today, Lord. Jesus, come and mark us today. Come and mark us with Your presence today, Lord. Jesus, we desire You, Lord. For better is one day in Your courts than a thousand’s elsewhere, God. We desire You, Jesus. Lord, we desire You, Lord. Lord, we love You. Lord, we love You. We thank You that You love us. Oh, Lord come. Come this morning Jesus. Father, pour out Your presence over us today, Lord. Pour out Your presence, Lord. Pour out Your Spirit over us, God. Breathe on us, God. There's' nobody like You, Lord. There’s nobody like You, Lord. Jesus, You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Lord, there’s nobody besides You. There’s nobody besides You, Lord. Who is like our God? Who is like our God? Lift up your hands, oh ye saints. Lift up your heads, oh ye gates that the King of glory may come in. We bless You, Jesus. Lord, come encounter us today. Lord reveal who we are, Jesus by a fresh encounter of who You are. We give You praise and honor in this house this morning, Jesus. We give You first place, Lord. Whatever You want to do, whatever You want to say, Lord, we give You first place. Thank You, Jesus.”
Caleb Courvelle
“She spoke of a portal that she had seen that opened up here and she spoke of chains melting into a new weapon and I just keep seeing it’s that image that sometimes is up here. It’s the bride of Christ and she’s lacing up her boots on. And I just keep hearing the Lord say the portal is open. You have a new weapon. Now put your boots on and step into what I have for you. Step into what I have for you. So prophetically, right now, prophetically step into what the Lord has for you because you’re getting it now. You have your new weapon, the portal is open, the war horses are surrounding. Now step into what the Lord has for you and take it and claim it.”
Sara Grace Alexander
“Ok I want to share what I just saw. The King of Glory is here. I saw the King of Glory on His horse and He came in with the other horses but He’s ahead of the horses. And I keep seeing them go around and around and around and around in the portal and this is what I heard the Lord say. Provision has already been made. Jesus Christ has already made the provision for you and I. But we have to go in and possess and receive what Jehovah has provided for us. And I heard the Lord say that your tongues need to align with heaven, with what Jesus has provided for you already. So we align our tongues with heaven today and prophesy into our destiny and receive what Jehovah has for us. The spirit of heaviness is lifted in Jesus’ name. The King of Glory is here. He is pouring out upon us, but He also says possess what I’ve already provided. You have to go in and receive it by faith and step into the presence of God to receive what He has for us. I also heard Him and saw that as the horses were going and the King of Glory and I saw Jesus and He’s on the horse and He’s going around and around and around so fast trying to get it to us, but we have to receive what He’s already provided. And sometimes we don’t feel like it. Our flesh wants to kick up or we’re worried about something out there before we got here and the Lord says let it melt off of you. Those chains have been melted off of you. You can’t rationalize it in your mind. And when you start thinking about it and analyzing and you’re going to mess it up. He says think like I think. Go in and possess what I have provided for you and take it by faith. Amen. So Father, we receive the provision that You’ve already given to us and provided for us. I’m seeing miracles, miracles, miracles, miracles, miracles coming. The creative miracles of God creating those circumstances that have had you held back. Those broken places. Healing is coming together in your family, in your bloodline, in the circumstances of everyday life. Glory to God. Amen.”
Sonja Mansell