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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

November 15, 2020

“And I’m hearing the Lord say, can you feel My heartbeat? Can you feel My heartbeat says the Lord? For everyone in the body of Christ who is in My Ecclesia, do you feel My heartbeat this day? Get in the flow of My rhythm says the Lord. Get out of your own agenda. Take your eyes off of self and those things which are around you. Get into the rhythm of My heartbeat, for there will not be any clots, there will not be any afibs. There will not be any dysrhythmias in My heartbeat, says the Lord. And I need My body to rise up, rise up, rise up and take your place within the body for the body is jointly neatly together because I created My body says the Lord. You must, you must get into My heartbeat rhythm. You must let My blood flow through your DNA to cleanse out all those things which have held you back, says the Lord. For I have a work, I have a mighty work for my Ecclesia but you’re only gonna find it in my heartbeat says the Lord. Take your eyes off of yourself says the Lord. Take your eyes off of self and your own agenda but come into alignment with my heart. Come into alignment with My Son’s blood. Did I not send My Son on this earth and He died and He shed His blood for you? For it’s in that blood that you find power. It’s in My name that you find power. It’s in My heart. Come into My heart and let My blood cleanse you. Find your place. Take your place. For your identity is not in self. You identity is not in what you do. Your identity is not in who’s around you or what’s going on around you, but your identity is found in Me. I’m calling the Ecclesia. I’m calling you. Can you feel My heartbeat? Can you feel My heartbeat. Get into the rhythm of My heart says the Lord.”


“So Father, right now in the name of Jesus, Father as part of the Ecclesia, Lord I stand in the gap for the body of Christ and I come to you Father and I repent and I’m asking you Lord to forgive the body of Christ for not getting into your rhythm. For where we've gone and kept our eyes on self and what’s going on around us and taking up things and focusing on our own agenda and got caught up and have been caught up with things going on around us, Father, forgive us. And I decree and declare in Jesus name that the body of Christ, that the Ecclesia is coming into the rhythm of God’s heartbeat. Father, Your will be done on earth even as it is in heaven for the Ecclesia in Jesus name. Father, I thank You that the treasure chest is open and Father God where those treasures have been locked up, I’m asking you Father to take the key of David and open up those treasure boxes, Father in each individual in the body as a whole. Thank You Father. You know how you see these necklaces, I actually have one and I bought it years ago and it has a heart on it. It’s like a charm, it’s a heart and in the middle of the heart it’s a keyhole. And on the other side of the heart, this chain is a key. And the Lord says there has been those that have had their hearts locked and the Lord says He’s taking that key as you yield to Him and He’s unlocking those things in your heart that you have locked up because you didn’t want to face it. And He says you don’t have to face it alone because when you get into the rhythm of His heart, your heart becomes dove-tailed with His because you're in Him and He’s in you. So Father, I thank You for the unlocking of those things in our hearts that have been locked up. So I just decree and declare a release in Jesus name.”


“Ok so this is what I’m hearing. I’m hearing the Lord say quit analyzing everything, Quit analyzing everything and flow in the river of life. Flow in the blood of Jesus because that’s where victory is, that’s where provision is, that’s where peace is, that’s where everything that you need is. And I keep seeing those that are analyzing and just trying to - it’s like a fragmented sentence. And the Lord says you need to stop doing that and get in the flow with Him because you can fragment what He wants you to do by analyzing everything. He says that you were created by the Spirit and you’ve got to walk in the Spirit, flow in the Spirit and not look to the natural things around you and quit analyzing everything and quit diagraming every little thing and nitpicking and looking for a demon behind every bush. He said there are those that are creating chaos in their own lives by analyzing everything and the enemy has nothing to do with it. So the Lord says He wants you to flow in Him and walk in the Spirit. Walk in the Spirit. See things through the perspective of heaven and what the Lord is saying. Quite nitpicking. I keep hearing the Lord saying quit nitpicking and flow.”


“Ok so that was a reprimand for me. I’ve been on this heartbeat thing pretty much since 3:33 this morning. So what the Lord has told me was that somebody out there who just recently got some kind of, I don’t know, something about their heart. They’re going to have something about their heart but what the Lord is speaking is don’t listen to what the naysayers say. What you do is go to youtube, listen to a healthy heart and your heart’s going to realign.”


Prophetic Song

“Listen to His heartbeat, put your head upon His chest. Walk in the Spirit with Him. Lay down, lay down all that thinking just rise up. Rise up. Rise up. We’re rising, we’re rising, we’re rising, we’re rising. Listen in to the real, listen in to the truth. We’re rising up.”


“So I’ve been kind of sitting on something as well. It was earlier and I’ve been trying to analyze and wait and get more but it was like earlier I saw the war horses rising up. I heard the heartbeat of the Father quicken and it was getting faster and faster and faster. And as I sat on it, I finally heard the word convergence. And I began to feel the land rumbling. It was like the Father was saying the land is about to get into the rhythm to the beat of my heartbeat. My heartbeat is coming and it is quickening and you ain't seen nothing yet.”


Prophetic Song

“New generation rising, rising. New generation rising, rising. New generation rising, rising. So rise up. New generation freedom. New generation rising up. new generation rising up. New generation new generation rising, rising. Rising up to the heartbeat, sound of the Father’s heartbeat. New generation rising, new generation, new generation. New generation rise up. New generation rising rising. Oh I feel the fire. Can you feel the fire? Fire’s on this new generation you see. Can you feel the fire. I feel the fire rising on this new generation you see. Rise up, rise up. New generation rise up. Rising, rise up.”


“And I hear the Lord say this generation has not been forgotten. For I have not forgotten this new generation. For yes the baby boomers are seeing many things and yes they have birthed many, many things. But you see I am rising up this new generation to birth things into the earth from heaven. For I am causing them to rise up to prophesy. To prophesy, to prophesy, to prophesy, to prophesy says the Lord. For I am rising up children to take their place, to take their place. To take their place. I’m causing them to prophesy, says the Lord. So hear the sound of the shofar this morning. It is prophesy going into the spirit realm. It is bringing heaven down to the earth to accomplish what needs to be accomplished, says the Lord.”


Prophetic Song

“Rising, rising. Can you hear the true heartbeat of the Father rising. They hear the truth of the Father’s heartbeat rising. They hear the true heartbeat of the Father rising. Rising, rising, rise up. Rise up. Hear the true heartbeat of the Father, rising up. This generation hears the heartbeat of the Father. Rise up. Sound of God from the next generation. Sound of God from the next generation. Do you hear the sound? Hear the sound. Sound of the next generation. Oh He's rising them up to take their place. Causing them to prophesy and see what He says. It’s the heartbeat of the Father, it’s the heartbeat of the Father. Rise up. Rise up.”


“I'm just sensing that there is an anointing here for those that are online, those that are here. While the children are leading there’s an anointing here to speak forth into the atmosphere the names of your grandchildren. Your grandchildren because they get to inherit this sound. They get to inherit and take their place as apostles and prophets and it doesn’t matter how old they are. They can be this age and they can prophesy the word of the Lord. Speak them forth. Call them forth now in this anointing.”


“And I want to tag onto what she was saying because what I was seeing was a cloud of witnesses in heaven. But what I was seeing in the great cloud of witnesses was children looking over the banisters of heaven responding to the sound that’s coming out of the place this morning even though the sound has come from heaven but the children in heaven are cheering the children on earth on. Hallelujah.”


Prophetic Song

“Rise up, rise up. There’s fire there’s fire on the children. There’s fire in their hearts, they’re on fire for Jesus. They're on fire for the King. They're on fire, they’re on fire. The children's hearts are on fire. New generation rising up. New generation rising, they’re rising, they’re rising. And the Lord says for those who have had problems, not that they’ve had problems but their children and their grandchildren, their great grandchildren have had any kind of physical, mental or emotional problems, the Lord says that He, Himself rebukes the enemy for their sake. and He says He is causing them to rise up. Rise up and be heard, rise up and be restored. He said that the fear that had gripped the children, I’m seeing children that were gripped by fear. The Lord says I rebuke that spirit of fear. For he can not have My children says the Lord. I’m causing them to rise up. For they will prophesy they will lay hands on the sick. They will even raise the dead, says the Lord. For My power dwells in them . My power and My anointing dwells in them for their hearts are not contaminated with this world but I am rising them up. They are being raised up into My bosom to feel My heartbeat says the Lord. And you will see and you will hear many children that will prophesy on instruments by their words they speak. My heart is My children. The Lord says don’t quench the gifts in My children. Do not quench the gifts in My children, says the Lord. For I am seeing parents whose children have these toys that make sound. Little pianos, little tambourines and different instruments but the Lord says do not quench the gifts that I have put in them. Do not quench the fire that I have put into them. Do not quench it, says the Lord because they will take it and it will become a weapon in their soul thinking that they’ve done something wrong. And the Lord says let their sound be heard on the earth and let their sound be heard on the earth for they are crying for Jesus. They’re crying out to Jesus. Oh Jesus, have Your way. Have your way in the children. Have your way in the infants. Have your way in your children, Father. And the babies, have your way, Holy Spirit.”


Prophetic Song

“Rise up, rise up. There's a new generation receiving impartation. New generation receiving impartation. Whoa. There’s a new era here. Here with fire, here with the blood of Jesus burning, burning, burning on the land. Burning in the hearts. Time to feel the fire, rising, rising. Words that have been spoken over this generation. The negative words that have been spoken over this generation, they’re burned up, they’re coming down. The sound is tearing them down. They will walk farther, they will go deeper. Deeper in you, Lord. Deeper than we have ever been before. They’re rising, they’re rising. They’re leading. They’re dancing, they’re singing, they’re shouting out to Jesus. They’re dancing, they’re singing, they’re shouting out to Jesus. Can you hear them? Can you hear them? Let their voice be heard. Let their voice be heard. They're rising. Rise up. rise up. Rise up. Their voices rising up.”


“So this is kind of interesting. I always see horses. And this is so interesting. I’m seeing ponies from heaven. I’m seeing ponies from heaven and I’m seeing the cloud of witnesses as Sonja was saying with these little children. And it’s like I heard the Lord saying He’s sending a new breed. I’m sending a new breed upon the earth. It’s an awakening that’s coming to this new breed of children that I am calling forth today. I’m dispatching that new breed for the awakening of this little generation that I have called them to.”


“Rise up, rise up. Rise up, rise up. It’s something new, it’s something new. Something new in this next generation. They’re bringing it. It’s coming from heaven. It’s coming from heaven. Rise up. We agree. We say yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. We agree with heaven. We welcome Your new move, this new breed we welcome. Rise up. Rise up. Rise up. It’s gonna look different. It’s gonna look different. We welcome Your different Lord. We rise up. We rise up. It will not be quenched. It will not be stopped. It’s rising up, its’ rising up. Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes Lord. rise up. Rise up. Rise up.”


“So Father, right now in the name of Jesus, we just take our place. We take our place, Father with You. We thank You, Father God that we can come into your presence, Lord and we are here and You are here. And I thank You Father, that as we rise up, You are raising this new generation of warriors to ride. I’m seeing them ride on the war horses for You. Father, I thank You. Thank You, Father. Father, I’m seeing many colors of horses. I saw them earlier and I’m seeing children as warriors on horses, Father. Declaring and decreeing. Prophesying. Thank you, Lord in Jesus name.”


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