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November 10, 2019

“So Father God, as the natives would dance their dance and keep their feet connected to your land, Father God as they would dance, Father God, we ask for the angels of Yahweh to dance upon this land today, Father God releasing Your sound with their feet deeply connected into this earth, Father God. We say dance angels of Yahweh, dance. Let the sound of the holy Father be beat unto this land and let it rise up out of this land and restore this land. Hear the pounding of the angel’s feet in this land. Hear them pound the word of the Lord deep in this land. Their feet stay connected. Their feet stay connected just as You taught the natives to keep their feet connected to this land. Their feet stay connected.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Hear the beat of the land, hear the beat of the land. The angel’s being released. Sound of the Father on the land.”

Sheila Zehr

“So Father, let the hardness, let the dryness that has been pounded into this land by the enemy come up. Come up and come out. Let the land, Father God be filled with Your word and Your sound, Father God. Let the land absorb Your sound, Your beat, Your cadence. Let the land find a new freedom this day, Father God. Let the freedom beat deep in this land, Father God. Sound of the angel's feet beat deep in this land.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

”Sound goes deeper, the Father’s sound goes deeper in the land. Deeper. Drives out the sound of the enemy. It drives out the sound of the enemy. Father’s sound goes deeper in the land. Deeper healing, deeper freedom. It goes deeper, His light goes deeper. Father’s sound goes deeper. Goes deeper, it goes deeper, it goes deeper. His sound goes deeper.”

Sheila Zehr

“And what I’m seeing. I’m seeing the natives of old. I’m seeing the natives of old and I see, Father. I see as they’re pulling the hides across these drums that they are making. I'm seeing as they are making the drums, I’m seeing God taking His hand and He is saying, those sounds now are my sounds. Those sounds now are My sounds. Everyone of those sounds, everyone of those drumbeats are My beats He said. He said those are My sounds, My beats and He’s taking His anointing and putting His anointing over those sounds, over those hides. And He says, those hides are My hides and the sound that they make is My sound.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Can you hear the sounds of heaven here? Heaven invading us. Heaven invading us. Heaven touching us. Do you hear the sound of angels here? Hear the sound of heaven here. We hear the elders crying holy, holy, holy is the Lamb. We want Your heaven touching heaven, Lord. On earth as it is in heaven. Thank You for your angels. Release the sound of heaven here. Release Your sound. Sounds of heaven here. Hear the sound of strategy here. Hear the sound of revelation coming in.”

Sheila Zehr

“So I really am sensing, when we think of the sounds of heaven, sometimes we think about just resting in His presence, which is good, but I’m really getting a sense of a sound of strategy and revelation. I don’t know about the sound of war, but you know the kingdom of heaven is forcefully advancing. Violently advancing, the Word says. And so, ask the Lord what the strategy He has for you right now. What is it you need to receive, whether it is for the ministry, for personal. I just feel like there’s really, it’s more than just His presence and His love, which is absolutely here, but press in to the more thing that He’s wanting to bring for each of us, for this land, for this ministry. Thank You, Father.”

Sheila Zehr

“Ask the Lord what your strategy is for the next place. Receive what He has for you.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“And part of bringing heaven to earth is when God shows you something, you need to receive it and thank Him for it. Don’t just say, oh that’s neat. Receive what He is showing you.”

Sheila Zehr

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