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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

November 1, 2020

Prophetic Song

“Holy Ghost flow. Jesus knows. The rhythm of Your heartbeat, Lord. The rhythm of Your heartbeat, Lord. Hello, Holy Ghost flow. Hello, Jesus knows. The rhythm of Your heartbeat, Lord. The rhythm of Your heartbeat, Lord. Oh, oh, oh, oh. The rhythm of Your heartbeat, Lord. The rhythm of Your heartbeat, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm of Your heartbeat, Lord. Hear the sound of the heartbeat of the Lord. Hear the sound of the heartbeat of the Lord. Rhythm of revival, river of fire. Rhythm of revival, river of fire. Rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, of Your heartbeat, Lord. Steady, steady, steady, steady rhythm of the heartbeat of the Lord. Steady, steady, steady, steady rhythm of the heartbeat of the Lord. Hear the sound of the Father’s heartbeat in the land. Hear the sound of the Father’s heartbeat in the land. Steady, steady, steady, steady of the heartbeat of the Lord. Steady, steady, steady, steady of the heartbeat of the Lord.”


Prophetic Song

“Whoa, whoa, whoa we worship You, Lord. Who, whoa, whoa, we rejoice with You, Lord. We come into this place, we pick up the pace. We come into this place, so we finish the race. We pick up the pace, we pick up the pace. We worship, adore You. We celebrate You, we exalt You. We magnify the King of all things. We exalt You, we praise You. Oh, we celebrate You, oh God. We honor You, oh God. We magnify the King of Kings. The Lord of Lords, we honor You. We celebrate the King. We honor You. We press on, press on, picking up the pace. Picking up the pace to finish our race. We honor You, we exalt You. We celebrate You, Jesus. We stay in Your rhythm of Your heartbeat. We stay in Your rhythm of Your heartbeat. We sing praises. We honor You. We exalt the King of Kings. Oh, oh. We dance, we sing, we shout, we praise, we honor, we celebrate the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. We sing, we shout, we dance, we praise. We honor You, oh God.”


Prophetic Song

“Hearing the rhythm of Your heartbeat, knowing that You’re blowing through me. I thank You for the blood of Jesus. I praise You, I worship, I adore You. Lay it down, lay it down, lay it at the feet of Jesus. Pick up the Word, pick up your sword and fight, fight with all of your might. Victory is here so celebrate with Jesus. Celebrate with Jesus because victory is here. Victory is here.”


“I’m just going to share with what I’ve seen and I’ve seen it. I started seeing it awhile ago. And I’m seeing clear, clear water and it’s like in a stream and I’m seeing these little rocks, little pebbles of rocks and they’re different colors. There’s red, black, white, tan, different colors. And what I hear the Lord say is I am washing over every tribe, every nation, every nationality, every color, every creed of people. And where that stream has been washing, just a steady flow, steady flow. Also heard the Lord saying, We were praying and singing and hearing the heartbeat of the Lord, that steady rhythm. That He’s not caught off guard by anything in your life as individual or as a corporate body of Christ. But He says I am washing over My people. I am washing over this land. I am washing over, He said, My nations. So Father, I thank You for the washing of the Word. I thank You for the clarity, for the understanding for the revelation. I thank You Father for unity. Jesus is the rock of our salvation. And so Father I thank You that we come together in unity as the Ecclesia praising You and worshipping You, Father. Honoring You for who You are and for what You’re doing with Your people. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Jesus.


Prophetic Song

“Bringing us together as it is in heaven. Bringing us together as it is in heaven, glory arise. His glory is arising in the earth.”

“The angels have been released from heaven today. Actually He just corrected me. He said I released My angels long ago. What I’m seeing with the release of the angels, the angels have been released at different times in Kairos timing to accomplish and help the Ecclesia accomplish what needs to be done. And I’m seeing where there’s been army angels already released but there’s another angels, a host of angels is being released on the earth. There’s angels being released now. And with these angels there’s an aroma of heaven. There’s an aroma of heaven. Oh, there’s an aroma ya’ll. There’s an aroma. There's an aroma. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. And what’s is doing, is it’s overriding the stench of death and destruction and chaos in our nation. Ha, ha. ha.”


Prophetic Song

“The Lord is knitting us together just as it is in heaven. There’s a knitting together in unity. A knitting together like you’ve never seen. The church is arising. The church is arising. Souls will be saved, souls will be delivered, souls will be healed, souls will be set free. The Lord is knitting us together every tongue and every tribe, every nation will arise. He’s knitting us together as it is in heaven. Souls will be saved, souls will be delivered. Souls will be healed; you just wait and see. It’s already happening across this land. It’s already happening through the nations. He’s knitting us together as it is in heaven. There’s a new smell upon the land. A new aroma, so take your scent. Aroma from heaven. Celebrate the King, celebrate the King. Exalt His name. We worship, adore You. We honor the King. King Jesus, King Jesus. The Lord is gathering His children today. The Lord is gathering His children today. He’s saying relax, smile and play. As it is in heaven, the children are playing. They’re rejoicing, they’re singing, they’re dancing, they’re singing. They’re dancing, they’re rejoicing. The Lord wants us to rejoice with Him. The Lord wants us to play with Him. The Lord wants us to sing, to dance, to sing, to praise Him, to honor Him. We celebrate with You. We celebrate with You, we celebrate with You. We thank You for the new aroma coming with the angels, coming with the angels, gathering Your people, knitting us together in unity. Knitting us together for truth will see. Hallelujah. Truth will see. Father, I thank You for the souls being saved. I thank You Father for delivering the souls. I thank You Father for Your healing. I thank You Father for the truth today, the truth today. Lord, have Your way, have Your way. Have Your way, have Your way. Have Your way, have Your way. Have Your way, have Your way. Have Your way, have Your way. We honor and praise You, we exalt Your name. You never stay the same. You never move the same way.”


“Lord I know you stay the same. You never change. But Father, I know that as we stepped into the new era that Father, we let go of the old ways of the way You used to do things. And we’ve stepped into the new era, Father God and we say yes, Lord. We say yes, Lord. Use us, Lord. Have Your way. Have Your way in us this day. Have Your way, Father. Not our will, but Your will be done on earth even as it is in heaven. Father, I thank You that when You say come and play with Me, that You want to come and play with us. It’s not just to roll a ball. That's not what I’m seeing, but it's to relax and receive and walk in who You’ve created us to be. Father, I see those that You are setting free, that You’re healing. Father, that those that are coming into the body of Christ, Father. Lord help us to be sensitive to those in need around us. Help us, Father with our discernment. Lord help us.”


“We need you today to show us the way. I thank You Father for the angels that have been released today. I thank You for the new aroma from heaven that’s been released on the earth. Not just here in Neshoba County, not just in Mississippi, not just in the United States of America, but Father across the nations across this world. I thank You. I thank You, Father. Thank You Father for the praises, for the worship all over the nation that’s going up, that’s going up. You inhabit the praises of Your people. You inhabit the praises of Your people. Oh Father, You said that if we don’t praise You that You will cause the rocks to cry out and so Father God we honor You. We praise You. We magnify You, Lord. Hallelujah. We celebrate Jesus. We celebrate You, God, for there is no one greater than You, Father. There’s no one. Father God. You are not just the mighty one, but You are the powerful one. You are the anointed one and so Father, we honor You. We worship You, Father. Hallelujah. Glory to Your name Lord God. We exalt You. We exalt You oh God. We praise You, we honor You, we celebrate You, Jesus. Oh, we celebrate You, Jesus. And for those Father that are going through hard places, Lord, we stand with them. We stand with them. We stand with them and say you are free. You are free. For he who the Son sets free is free indeed. Receive your freedom. Receive your deliverance. Receive your healing. Hallelujah. Father, I thank You for what you are doing. Hallelujah for victory for what You’re doing in our nation. Victory in our nation.”


“There’s fire coming up from heaven. I’m seeing fire. Fire. I’m seeing the fire over Washington. I’m seeing the fire over Washington and it’s the fire of Holy Spirit. That city’s on fire for God in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. And this is really cool what I’m seeing. I’m seeing eagles soaring all in the atmosphere across our land. I’m seeing eagles soaring high. Freedom. And every time they flap their wings the power of God and the sound from that wind is going into the atmosphere, into our nation. And the sound I’m hearing is freedom. Freedom. Freedom. And every time they flap their wings and they soar, and you know eagles, they just soar. They don’t necessarily have to flap their wings, but as they soar and as they move in the spirit that sound demolishes, and I’m just going to say it - buzzards. Thank You Father. Thank You for life, Father, thank You for life. God bless the USA. Amen.”


“We declare victory over our land this morning. We declare victory over our land this morning and we declare victory over our nation this morning. We declare victory and freedom and liberty. We declare it in Jesus’ name.”


“Prophesy, prophesy into the atmosphere. He’s prophesying. I’m seeing red. I‘m seeing red across this nation. Where there's been a mixture of red and blue, I’m seeing red. I’m seeing red. So Father I thank You that You are bringing your people together. I thank You, Father God that You are all powerful. And I thank You, Father that the blue states are turning red in Jesus name. I thank You Father God for the great awakening. I thank You Father God for the revival. You know to revive something, something had to be dormant or dead. You can’t revive something if it’s not already been. So Father, I thank You for reviving the hearts across this land that have laid dormant and just given up and didn’t care. Father, I thank You that You are reviving those dead places and bringing life, your true life to these places, to individuals and to the land. Hallelujah. And I thank You Father, for the blood of Jesus that covers our nation. Father, we claim the victory. We are victorious. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. We’re the head and not the tail. We are above and not beneath. Father, we press on to the high mark of our calling in Christ Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Father, I thank You that we are operating in Kairos time and not in Kronos in Jesus’ name.”


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