“So what God is speaking to me at the moment while we’re singing this song. You know, so many things are rooted in fear and when you get to the root, root, it’s fear at the bottom. So many of our diseases, physical, spiritual, ailments and so if we will get rid of a level of fear from our lives this morning, God can walk as the King of glory in our lives in a way He’s never done before. So Father God, right now I’m asking that You just point a finger for each one of us on the fear that you want us to lay down today and leave here at the altar and not take it home with us. Just leave it at your feet because that’s what we want to do this day. And if you feel to come and lay it down at the altar and He shows you what it is and you just want to leave it there, you can come forward and do that. But see yourself laying that down and not picking it up as we sing this again.”
Sheila Zehr