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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

May 10, 2020

“You know I remember what John Ramirez said about David facing the giant. The giant wasn’t his problem. His problem was Saul. So Father God, we face our giants and even the Saul’s of our life, Father God, that some of us have been struggling with, Father. And I thank You that the walls come down. The walls come down. Just as Joshua marched around the walls of Jericho. Father, he marched around, he walked around, Father. He walked the land and the land responded to the vibrations of the sound that was coming out of his feet. So Father, I thank You that sound of us by the Spirit of the living God, Father as we walk around in the Spirit, it reverberates onto the land and things are changed. The sound of the Lord changes things. So Father, I thank You. Oh I thank You, Lord. Hallelujah.”


Prophetic Song

“We release Your sound. The sound of the nations calling, the sound of the nations calling. We release Your sound. It’s the sound of the nations calling, the sound of the nations calling, it’s the sound of the land. Whoa. When Elijah spoke to the dry bones and they began to come alive, they began to come alive. When Elijah spoke to the dry bones, the land received the light, the healing words. When Elijah spoke to the dry bones, he said come alive and they came alive. And the land responded. The healing in the land rose up. The heartbeat in the land, it rose up and filled those dry bones. Come alive. Come alive. Come alive. God’s heartbeat, it brings life.”


“I just feel I have to speak this. Last night as I was reading some things, God had me awake early in the morning and I was reading accounts of when the Choctaw were removed from the Dancing Rabbit Treaty and what struck me was the leaders that were making decisions for the people that they knew were not right. And it’s going on right now in some places but what I had never thought about was the trauma to the land when the Choctaw were forced to leave or the ones that stayed went into hiding because God has His synergy on the land and the people. That’s where He had set the Choctaw people. What I’m just seeing even as we were singing God’s heartbeat, it releases the light of God so the trauma can be released from the land.”


“Ok, so what I see, what I’ve been seeing is a chief I’ve never seen before in the cloud of witnesses. He’s here. He’s walking the land. He’s walking the land and this is what he said. He’s saying to the plants, he’s saying to the earth. He’s saying release the healing again. He’s saying release healing. This chief is walking the land today and He’s saying release healing. He’s telling the plants to come back and heal again. Revelations 22:2 and it says, through the middle of the city and on either side of the river is the tree of life with it’s twelve kinds of fruit producing fruit each month and the leaves of the trees are for healing of the nations. And nothing accursed will be found there anymore. And I see this great chief going through the land and he’s pulling the curses off of the land. He’s pulling the curses off of the healing that came naturally in the land. God put naturally in the land. He’s saying for this land to come forth and bear fruit and to bear healing of the people. And the first thing that I see that God’s wanting to heal is respiratory and lungs. So if you have a respiratory problem or a lung problem or if you have any kind of respiratory problem, put your hand upon your chest, put your hand on your throat. Somebody’s watching who has ear problems. Whoever has clogged up ears, put your hand on your ears. God is saying He is releasing respiratory problems today. He says no more of this. No more of this. So Father, in the name of Jesus, we speak healing. Healing into the lungs. There’s somebody watching that’s having trouble breathing and you haven’t said it. You haven’t even confessed it to your family you’re having lung problems and God said you’re ok. You’re ok. I'm healing today. And that stress that’s been on your lungs, He says I’m taking it out. I’m taking it out and He says there’s an inflammation in your lungs and it’s going back to normal. The inflammation is leaving, it’s coming out of your lungs, out of your trachea, out of your windpipe, out of your throat. And there’s a throat cancer God is wanting to heal today. There’s somebody watching or going to watch. He says I’m healing that today. He says My healing hand is coming in today and there is no more. He said life and life and life and healing. Healing into your body. Healing into your bloodstream. Healing into every part of your life. Life, life. And there’s a generational curse that somebody’s dealing with. A generational curse of respiratory throat problems and it’s even in a trachea. I don’t even know what trachea is but I’m seeing a trachea. And He’s saying I’m healing that. I’m healing this. It’s going in the trachea and I’m pulling it out. I’m pulling out all the phlegm. All of it is coming out and He says healing, deep healing. And He says it’s a lasting healing. He says this is My healing. For My earth will produce healing again. For the healing is in the leaves of the trees and it will no longer be an accursed thing. It is My thing the Lord says. It is My healing.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“We say yes, Lord. Thank You for healing, we speak it, we release it. Oh it flows out from here, it flows out from Your throne. We receive it. We receive it for ourselves and our family. Healing flow like many waters. Healing flow like many waters. The land beneath releases the healing. The land releases healing.”

“And I kept hearing and hearing this and I’m like Lord what are You saying? What are You saying? And He says reset. He’s resetting things in your bloodline to the original intent through the healing of the nations. Through the healing of the land. And as I walked in here this morning, I kept hearing reset. Reset. And I said Lord what are we resetting in this place? And He says it’s not really a reset but I’m setting you to a higher place on this facility in this land within this healing point. There’s a healing anointing here today. But He also told me there is a healing portal here today to set the captives free so you can advance in the spirit realm, so you can advance in the natural. It’s on this land here where Global Vision sits and it extends out into the new property. It extends. There’s healing and I keep seeing these healing springs and this water that’s healing streams on the land. I don’t know what’s under the earth, but God does. And so Lord, we just receive that healing, Lord. That resetting in our bloodline back to the original intent, Father. To those who have laid down the baton and said I can’t do this, Lord we take it up and we run our race, Father, in Jesus’ name.”


Prophetic Song

“I’m hearing can you hear the call? Can you hear the call? The call of Ancient Days. He’s saying pick up your baton and race, run your race. Are you gonna answer the call? Are you hearing the call? There’s a higher calling today. There’s a higher calling today. Oh Ancient of Days, oh Ancient of Days. Can you hear the sound rising? Can you hear the sound rising from the land? The healing is rising. Healings now rising. Hear the beat rising. Yes we are rising. We’re going up, we’re going up. We’re going up, we’re going up. rising higher, going up. Rising higher, going up. We cannot be stopped. We cannot be stopped. We’re going up, going up. Going up, going up, oh. Hear the sound rising. Healing inside you. Hear the sound rising. Hear the healing inside of you rising up.”


“I don’t know what this means. But I saw the tribe on white horses and I saw them going fast, fast, fast. And there wasn’t a saddle on the horse. They were on horseback. And I saw the tribe there before the Lord on those horses being transparent before the Lord. And they were going fast and fast and fast. And I’m talking multitudes and do believe that these that I was seeing are those that are in the cloud of witnesses with the great chief that Ruth Ann was talking about.”


“And the Lord says, I’m healing the feet of My Choctaw people this day. He says where they walked in hopelessness, where they walked in hopelessness and they have passed it down to generations and generations have received the hopelessness. He said I’m healing their feet today. He said their day is coming when their hopelessness is going to be no more. It starts now. It starts now and it’s going to be healing in the bodies. You’re going to see healing. A healing that doctors cannot even explain. He says it’s going to come to the diabetic feet in the tribe. He says you’re going to see a healing the doctors cannot explain because hopelessness is coming out. He says they’re mounted on their horses. They’re riding. They’re riding in the cloud of witnesses and their descendants are now riding. Their descendants are now riding and they’re being healed.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“And I want to tag onto what Sonja said. The white horseman rider is here and He is joining these ancient, He’s joining this ancient tribe. Today I heard the Lord say the stage is set. The stage is set. There are angels here on each side of us worshiping with us and I saw the hosts of heaven lined up on their horses all the way around and I saw the white horse and his rider right here and He is mounted in HIs armor and I heard Him say no more Mr. Nice Guy. He said I have come to wage war on My enemies this day. I have come to wage war on My enemies this day.”


“And God said you’re about to see the truth. You’re about to see the truth of the nations. You’re about to see the truth of the nations. You’re about to see goat and sheep. You’re about to see those who are Mine and those who work against Me. You’re about to see the separating of the nations. You will even see the separating of the states. You will see the separating in the cities and the towns because you will see those who serve Me and those who don’t serve Me and I have come to wage war and I have come to win says the Lord.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“No more Mr. Nice Guy, this is war. No more Mr. Nice Guy, this is war, no more Mr. Nice Guy. This is war. Nor more Mr. Nice Guy declaring war on the enemy. No more Mr. Nice Guy, this is war. No more Mr. Nice Guy this is war. This is war. No more Mr. Nice Guy, this is war. The Ecclesia is rising, this is war. The Ecclesia is rising, this is war. Ecclesia is rising, this is war. Rise up. Rise up. Rise up. Rise up. Rise up. No more Mr. Nice Guy, this is war. No more Mr. Nice Guy, this is war. No more Mr. Nice Guy, this is war. No more Mr. Nice Guy, this is war. Rise up. Rise up. Rise up. Rise up.”


“And this is what I’m hearing the Lord say and it’s for Canada. I’m hearing Canada. The Natives in Canada will rise again. For there has been many oppositions in that land. For the Lord says I am rising up in the land for that healing virtue. Those wells of water that are coming from the land here at Global Vision in Neshoba County, Philadelphia, MS. It extends to Canada. Canada, I’m hearing rise up. Rise up Canada. For the Lord has come. Hallelujah.”


Prophetic Song

“Rise up. Rise up. Rise up. Rise up. We take our positions, this is war. Do not fear the enemy, he fears us. We do not fear the enemy because he fears us. We rise up with our sound. We rise up with our sound. We rise up in praise and worship. We rise up in declarations. We rise up in signs, wonders and miracles. We rise up.”


“Genesis 2:10 it says a river flows out of Eden to water the garden. And from there it divides and becomes 4 branches. And the name of the first is the Pishon and it flows around the whole land where the gold is. And the gold in the land is good, says the Lord. And the onyx stones are there too. And I hear the Lord say, I put My stuff in this earth. I put My stuff in this land. It’s My stuff says the Lord. It’s not the stuff of the enemy, it’s My stuff He says. He says the gold and silver is Mine. He says healing virtue is Mine. He says these things are Mine. And He says I will give to My people. I will give it to My people but I’m collecting My stuff back. He says I’m coming for My stuff. I’m coming for the good things that the enemy has contained and held. He says, I will, I will parch the hands of the enemy until he releases My stuff. But He says I want the hands of My people to reach in. To reach in for their healing. To reach in for their inheritance that was locked up. To reach in for those things that’s been evading them. For the soil is ready to connect with you and release your right to your inheritance. The ground is ready to vibrate with you but I need My people to vibrate with Me so the ground will respond to them and release back to them what is theirs. I need My people to come out of hopelessness. I need My people to take an attitude of the winner of My servants, but more than My servants, I need you to come and be a part of My family. He said so many of My people have acted like they're just the butler. He said My people don’t even know Me. He said I want to open My treasures to you this day. But you’ve got to be the one that’s willing to inherit. That’s willing to be the one that inherits. So reach out, just hold your hands out and the lost inheritances of the family line, God’s ready to distribute them back. God’s ready to give them back. God’s ready to bring healing. There’s more healing. There’s even somebody's hand that needs healing that’s watching. He’s wanting to heal hands all the way up into the shoulder right now. There’s somebody that just held out their hand. I don’t know who you are, but when you did, I sensed you needed healing all the way up into your shoulder. And we call for healing. Healing all through the bodies. Take your inheritance of healing. Take your inheritance of healing. Be the child of God. Be His child. For you rightfully deserve the healing. thank You, Father. Somebody else’s heart today. Put your hand on your heart. I don’t know who’s watching, but put your hand on your heart. There’s somebody else that’s been fighting and fighting and fighting for life. It’s in the center of your heart. I don’t know what that means but it’s in the center of your heart. Whatever is in the center of your heart, God’s wanting to touch today and cause to function properly again. Function properly. And whoever I’m talking to has been on high doses of blood pressure medicine and God says that’s coming down. You’re getting off of it. That’s coming down. I’m healing the center of your heart. He says I’m taking the stress and strain out. Reach in to God’s treasure of healing this day. You’ve got to know who He really is and His treasure.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“So Ruth Ann earlier today, the Lord showed me there were going to be angels descending and ascending and as they were descending down into our realm, they were downloading a treasure chest. And I saw it right there. It is full. It is overflowing with jewels. And what the Lord showed me was that the jewels were His virtues. And He said, what do you need today? What do you need today? Do you need healing? Reach into My treasure chest of virtue and receive My healing. Do you have a wayward son? Do you have a wayward daughter? Reach down deep into My treasure chest of the virtue of My shepherding, of My covenant. My sheep will hear My voice today. My lost sheep will hear My voice. Do you need your finances to come into order, into alignment. Reach down deep into My treasure chest and pull out from My provision. Pull out from My Name as Jehovah Jireh. I have that virtue for you today because that is who I am. Whatever your need is, He says what do you need today. Nothing is too small. Nothing is too great. Reach down deep into who I am this day. Reach down and get everything of Me that I have for you today because in this treasure chest of My virtue is My body. It is My blood. Reach down deep and get everything that you need from Me this day.”


“So Father God, we just send the vibration of this sound, Father God, we just send it Father God even to our nation’s capital at this moment, Father God. That it vibrates and it vibrates into the land, Father God and it shakes the land Father God. And the gold and silver, Father God, those things that are being held Father God, in the wrong hands, Father God. Let Your sound shake it out Father God. Let it be shaken loose Father God and come forth, Father God up and back into Your Kingdom Father. In the name of Jesus.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

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