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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

June 6, 2021

“Thank You Father God for change. Thank You Father God for delivering. Thank you Father God for healing. Thank you Father God for healing and restoration. Thank you Father God for clarity of mind and thought. I thank You Father God. Oh, hallelujah. hallelujah Father, hallelujah Father. You are the one, true, living God. There is no other god above the name of Jesus. Oh, all of heaven rejoices this day. For they listen to anything you have to say, Lord. And Father, we have ears to hear and eyes to see those things which You are showing and that which You are telling. Thank you Father. Thank You Father for the unveiling. Thank you Father for the treasure chest being opened of revelation and things that have been hidden Father. Thank you for the nuggets. Thank You Father for the jewels. Thank You for the treasures Lord.”


“This is what I’m seeing. I’m seeing the ground being turned up and it’s the sound of the song of the warrior. It’s the tongue of the warrior that is bringing, I heard the Lord say bring home the victory. Bring home the victory but it's in the tongue of the warrior.”


“So Father I just thank You for the rain. I just thank You Father for the cleansing, the purification and the new smells of heaven on the earth today. I thank You Father for the rain which brings Your fragrance. Hallelujah. Thank You Lord. Thank You Jesus, thank You Father for new growth. Thank You Father for life. Thank You Father for Your fragrance. Thank You Jesus, oh Lord that it brings out Your fragrance. The reign, the reign of Your Spirit that brings out Your fragrance and the new fragrances on the land. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Father. OK, we had a call last night and it was pretty awesome. And what I’m seeing is and I brought it up last night about what I had seen several months ago where the angels of the Lord were brought up on the reservation and they were staking in the ground. And now what I’m seeing is the treasure boxes are opened and pulled up out of the ground. The treasures of the Lord where each stake was put down in the ground by the angels. There’s treasure chest being released today. Some will be rejected, but I’m hearing ¾ will be accepted to receive what the Lord is saying and what He’s doing on the Native land. He called it Native land which is interesting. Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah. And when the treasure chests are open, there’s a fragrance that comes from the jewels. Thank You, Lord. Thank You Jesus for life.”


“Lord, I thank You for the new structures. The new structures that You created. I thank You Father. Lord, I thank You for Your government on the land from heaven to earth being reestablished to its original intent. Thank You, Lord.”


“I just saw the Lord’s mouth on the land. You can get a visual of this but it was facing up and He was smiling on the land really big.”


“So I heard them talk on Chuck Pierce today. I just heard a thing. She was talking about how there was an open door being put in front of people this week. And I’ve always pictured a door, like a door on the ground and it’s like all of a sudden, because I believe I can fly keeps going through my mind. All of a sudden it’s like the door is above us to go higher, to go into that new dimension. It’s not staying on the same level going through an open door, it's going up. So Father God, we thank You that as You open new doors Father, we are choosing to fly through to go to that new level and not stay where we have been.”


“I’m going to share something. I’ve been trying to figure it out and I guess you just can’t figure everything out but Shane, when you first started playing I saw the music chord coming out of the keyboard and it was also intertwined with DNA but right before that I saw an Indian chief on his horse mounted. And it was like he was slinging that musical chord, the DNA chord and he was lassoing the Natives here on this land. And where they have been silent before, he was pulling them forth. He had lassoed them and it is time for you to quit being silent. And it is time for you to take your stand. It is time for your voice to be heard. Now is the time. And I heard the ticking of the clock. Now is the time oh Native warriors. Rise up and take your voice, take your stand in this land today.”


“OK I heard this a little while ago and I said Lord where do I go with this and I think it fits in with what Konnie just prophesied. But I kept hearing lost generation. The Lord says that the enemy had put a label on this next generation coming up calling it the lost generation. But the Lord says they are not lost, but they are found and I am lassoing them into the correct alignment their DNA to be a voice in this next season and the seasons to come. For they will rise up and speak and decree and declare. They will rise up and speak decree and declare, says the Lord. For they are not a lost generation but they are a generation to be reckoned with. A powerful generation. A powerful generation as their DNA is aligned and lassoed into Mine, says the Lord.”


“The sound of My DNA is on the land today for it’s not just on the Native land you see. It is on the land of Mississippi and Tennessee. It extends to Alabama and Louisiana and all throughout this nation. For many will rise up and say look at the Lord. Look what God’s doing. For they will recognize and see that it’s My glory, it’s My DNA throughout the land. For there are those that have known Me before that have backslidden. For the Lord says I am calling them out. I’m calling them out and I’m joining them unto Me says the Lord. For yes, it starts on the Native land. Yes, but it goes out through Mississippi and to Tennessee and Alabama and Louisiana and into the nation and into the nations. For it’s not boxed in just on the Native land says the Lord. So when you take My sound, don’t box it in to just one place. But understand that it vibrates. It vibrates into My rhythm and you will start seeing creation start thriving on the land. You will see the trees that have been barren starting to bear fruit. You will see the trees that have been planted, the blooms that have been laying dormant for generations. You will see it in the elements of the earth, in creation. You will see it in the flowers for there have been many. And I’m just going to go there. There’s been many bushes and many flowers that have lost their blooms, have lost their fragrance. For the Lord says I am sending the rain. This is the rain of My Spirit. It’s the DNA of My DNA on the land that’s causing nature to respond and bloom and let off the fragrances that I am creating them to let off into the atmosphere. Hallelujah. Thank You, Jesus. And the Lord says that there’s been many that have suffered from allergies, from sinus problems that are being healed today. There’s a healing in the fragrance of My DNA. Hallelujah. For you will begin to smell smells that only you can remember because of these sinus problems. But the Lord says they’re being healed, they’re being cleansed so you can smell the fragrance of His DNA through creation. And the Lord says the enemy thought, but who cares what the enemy thought, Lord, but You do. He wants us to understand with this COVID. One of the symptoms of COVID is you loose your sense of smell but the Lord says know that all is well. Know that I am healing, I am kicking it out. You will start to hear reports, yes, even on social media of healings taking place. Miracles in hospitals. People on respirators will be healed for He’s cleansing the lungs. He’s cleansing the sinuses to breathe in His DNA. To breath in His fragrance. Hallelujah. So Father, I just thank You for the healings. I thank You for Your scent, for Your fragrance Father. I thank You for Your DNA Lord. Thank You Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Those of you that are watching, those of you that will listen later, if you’ve been struggling with sinus problems know that you’re healed. Take a deep breath. Just take a deep breath in Jesus’ name.”


”I heard the Lord say earlier, He says My books are open in the counsel of heaven today to the year 1871. He says it’s before Me and the pages here are before Me. He says the charges I have against this country are before Me that day. And He says the counsel has set down with Me at the table. And I couldn’t imagine because I taught history for years and I’m like what treaty of 1871? There’s 3. I didn’t know that, ok. How did I miss it teaching history, I don’t know but I did. But 2 of the treaties, one involves the Native Americans and it set the standards of the reservations as they are today. So Father, the signatures, Father God that were signed Father God where people didn’t understand what was going on we lift that before You, Father God. We lift that before You, Father God and we repent Father God on behalf of a people Father God that didn’t explain well what was going to take place. And so Father God as You open Your books, Father God we stand as a nation repenting for You, Father God. We repent Father God. And so Father, where the article said and not all the chiefs understood what they were signing. Father, we just say we repent for that Father. The other thing in 1871 was Alabama and Great Britain had been fighting after the Civil War. They fought and fought and fought over money lost during the Civil War and the shipping industry between Alabama and Great Britain and the treaty that was signed between the United States, Great Britain and all of the countries under Great Britain which was Ireland and Scotland they set a precedent for trade and we’re still in that precedent for trade today. So Father God, anything, Father God that we’re falling back on in commerce Father God that was sent over money lost during the Civil War in the shipping industry between Alabama and Great Britain and the treaty that was signed between the United States, Great Britain, and all of the countries under Great Britain which was Ireland and Scotland at that time set a precedents for trade and we’re still in that precedents for trade today. So Father God, anything Father God that we’re falling back on in commerce Father God, that was signed in that treaty that needs to come out and be exposed Father. We just lift it up before You this day as Your counsel of heaven is looking over the books, Father in the name of Jesus.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“I don’t mean to be stuck on the thing, but if you will look when a drop hits, it not only goes out but it goes in. It goes down in the ground so every time that we dance or we worship God, it not only sends the power out but it also sends it into the ground. It’s just cool to watch. It spirals down. You can see it on the screen.”


“Well I just have to say since Sonja said that about the fire and Ruth Ann started talking about court of heaven or what she’s seeing that’s been taken care of like up here. And I haven’t been able to smell since I had COVID. I’ve discerned and this is discernment but I smell the fire. It’s like something’s burning up here. It keeps wafting. And it’s almost like I can smell the anointing oil on that. The fragrance of oil with the fire. So we thank You Father, we thank You for the fire that is burning Father. And we say we will keep our altars prepared for Your burning fire in Yeshua’s name. And I thank You for what You are accomplishing this day.”


“Let this sound go in your DNA and as God opened the books of Heaven today and He started settling and bringing up things that had been in agreements that have been affecting us for years, let God burn out of your DNA agreements your ancestors made that have been affecting you. Let the sound heal you. Let the sound of the keyboard and the sound of the drums, let it go deep. Get up and dance. Just dance. Just dance it out.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“The Lord says I’m bringing a healing to My people. I’m calling My people, My Native people. He says I’m bringing a healing into the bloodline of Shem that has been tried to be annihilated in the earth. He says I’m bringing a healing. He says look. Look. They can’t be taken out of the earth no matter how different rulers have tried. They cannot be annihilated . I have made sure that My tribe of Shem, My people with the bloodline of Shem runs in this earth and they always will. He said know, watch and listen very carefully. The Hem, Shem and Japeth bloodline can never be annihilated. He says because it My blood is what I put into the earth. He says but I'm bringing things back into right alignment. What looks like wrong alignment, like at one time Esau was ruling when it should have been Jacob. He says what looks like is wrong is going to be made right. Be prepared. Be prepared because when it’s made right He says there’s going to be so many people that are going to need to be loved and brought back to Me.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“I’m also hearing the Lord say get out of your time. Get into My time. It’s My time. My time is not done until I say it’s time. Get out of your time and get into My time.”


“And the Lord says there’s a new beat, there’s a new rhythm and it’s found in your feet. The Lord says when you walk and you speak, demons flee. The Lord says when you walk and you connect with the land, red seas split wide open. the Lord says I am delivering My people from a mindset of the 1800’s. I’m reversing the contracts that were signed. The Lord says yes, there has been repentance this day. Oh but know, that My Son’s blood is stamped on the new documents and I will have My way. For what has been old and is in the past and still has stood this day it’s being torn down by the blood and by the footsteps and the words you have to say. Know that this runs deep, deep, deep from generations gone by but I have the final word that what I have to say will abide. For the beat is in your feet so dance, dance, dance, and let My DNA transform you into My new way.”


“I heard the Lord say it’s time to dance again. It’s time to sing again. It’s time to come alive again. The old is gone away. He’s washing it away. He’s washing it away. It's time to dance, it’s time to sing. It’s time to live. Come to life again.”


“I just keep seeing there are those that have really beaten themselves up for mismanaging. And the Lord says there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. And He says it’s real simple. You just repent. Don’t continue to strive but thrive. And the Lord says its real simple. All you do is repent. And I see those sitting there and these questions are going in their head and they’re saying but how is all of this going to happen. How’s all this going to happen when I repent. How is the Lord going to do this. Well see, the Lord says that faith is what pleases Him. He says you don’t have to figure it out. That’s been your problem. You’ve been trying to figure everything out, trying to play catch up and the Lord says stop. Just stop, relax, repent and He will come in. And I heard the Lord singing over many in the night hours and He’s causing things to shift on your behalf concerning your spoils. Concerning the overflow of abundance for your life. It’s not just in the financial realm but it’s with peace, it’s with joy, it’s with wisdom, with instruction on what to do next. He said quit trying to figure everything out and let Him be God. Did He create you? Are you not a miracle? Did He not put breath in your lungs to breath and to smell His senses? Did He not create you with destiny and purpose? He says so stop beating yourself up. He says it’s time for your mindset, and those thoughts of old to be loosed from your soul. So right now in Jesus’ name I loose the old mindset in people’s souls for their minds in Jesus’ name. Just loose them and let them go. And we bind to our minds the mind of Christ in Jesus’ name. In the name of Jesus. Thank You Lord. In Jesus’ name.”


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