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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

June 14, 2020

“The Lord says there’s been so much sorrow in the native land. He says the spirit of sorrow has wrecked destruction through the land. He says it’s an old spirit, it’s an ancient spirit, it’s an ancient portal. It’s an ancient gate that the enemy has come and he’s flung open wide. And I’m saying this day I am sending angels into the land to close that gate of sorrow. To close that gate of turmoil. To close that gate of loss. He says it’s an ancient gate that the enemy has connected to the land with and He says no more, no more, no more. My heartbeat, My heartbeat is coming into the land. My heartbeat is turning back to the Native American tribes. He says no more sorrow. The ancient gate will close today.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Ancient gates closing. Gate of sorrow is closing. The heartbeat of God is being released. The heartbeat of God is being released. The heartbeat of God is being released.”


“So Father I thank You for Your healing angels. Angels of mercy coming into the land. Healing angels. Angels of restoration and mercy.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“You raise the standard. We raise Your standard in battle. We raise Your standard in life. We step up to Your new standard. We raise a standard. No more Mr. Nice Guy, we raise the standard. We step into Your heartbeat. We raise a standard. We step into Your sound. We step into more of You. Remake us. Remake the sound of our DNA, Lord. We raise a standard now. We raise a standard. We raise a standard in the battle. Remake us. Change us now to our very DNA. Reset us. Reset us. No more Mr. Nice Guy, we raise a standard.”


“Ok I see the angels stirring the waters. This is a healing water, the angels are stirring them and they’re stirring the healing water and He says breath. Those people who have lung problems, breath, breath come back to you. Breath and healing back into the lungs. Breath, breath, breath. He’s restoring breath. The angels are stirring and they’re stirring the waters. The water is splashing out, it’s splashing out and they’re hitting people and it’s healing. There’s healing in the water.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

”Stir it up, stir it up, stir it up. Stir up the healing in the land. There’s water in the land. Stir it up, stir it up. Stir the healing in the water. Healing for all that’s in the water.”


“And I see the waters of the river going into the land and they’re taking healing through the state. Healing down into the state. Healing down into the state, down into the Gulf of Mexico. Healing. Healing into the waters.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

”Stirring. Can you feel the stirring of the waters. Can you feel His breath on the stirring? Lord, we feel it. We want more. More of You. More healing. More stirring. More breath. More of You. Reset. Reset us Lord. More of You.”


“And I see other angels coming and they’re stirring and they’re stirring. The angel of wealth. The angel of the transference of wealth is stirring the pot. He’s stirring in the pot. He’s stirring the waters. He’s stirring the waters, He’s stirring the waters and He says, and I hear that what the Lord has sent him to do is all the wealth that has been hidden in the mud of the Mississippi come forth now. Come forth Mississippi River. Mississippi waters release the treasures that’s been hidden in you. Release those things that have been hidden in the mud. And they come out of the mud and they disperse into the land and they bring wealth to God’s people. They bring restoration of what’s been hidden in the waters. I see the Sowashee Creek in Meridian and what’s been hidden in you, God is calling it out today. there’s much wealth from the Civil War that was thrown into you and God says release it this day. God says come out, come back out into the land.

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“All the land release, all the water release, release the wealth of the land. Release to the kingdom of God. Death can not hold you. Death can not hold you. Release. We prophesy release. Prophesy release. Prophesy release. We prophesy release. Prophesy release. Dry bones come alive. Dry bones come alive. They’ve been just laying on the land, come alive. Heartbeat of the land come alive. Dry bones come alive. Dry bones come alive, we prophesy. Dry bones come alive, we prophesy. We speak to the dry bones, come alive. Dry bones come alive. Dry bones in our land, dry bones in our families, dry bones in our lives come alive. In our families, come alive. Dry bones come alive. We prophesy to the dry bones come alive. Come alive. Dry bones come alive. Dry bones come alive. To the heartbeat of the land, to the heartbeat of the Father. Dry bones come alive to the heartbeat of the Father. Dry bones come alive. Dry bones come alive. Dry bones, dry bones, dry bones come alive. Dry bones come alive, come alive, come alive. Dry bones come alive. The angles marching, the angels marching on the land. Dry bones come alive.”


“Sheila, what the Lord is showing me is that our beat, our frequency is like a drill bit. It’s gone down into the earth. It’s going down. The Lord has heard the beat. He’s heard the frequency and it’s like a drill and we are drilling down into the depths of the earth and we are unearthing the treasures. We’re unearthing the treasures this day.”


Prophetic Song

“Going deep, going deep, going deeper. Going deep, going deep, going deeper. “Going deep, going deep, going deeper. Deeper in the land to the treasure going deep going deep into the land. Release. Ho, ho, ho. Dry bones come alive. Even the dry bones that are buried, they come alive as we go deeper. Ho, ho, ho. Light, we prophesy. We prophesy light. Ho, ho, ho. Ho, ho, ho. Dry bones come alive. Dry bones come alive. We want to see the dead raised. We want to see the blind healed. The deaf can hear. The lame walk. We want to see it all. We want to go deeper. Come alive. Come alive. Come alive. Come alive. Come alive.”


“So Father, we just exalt You. We just exalt You for what You are releasing from the land this day. Father, we just exalt You. And so Father, we thank You. We thank You Father God. And step in today. Step in today. Some of you have not asked for things. Some of you have not asked for things. Some of you have not asked for your own healing. You’ve prayed for everybody’s healing but your own. You’ve got to ask for things and God said I can do it for you. Some of you are even afraid of your mindset to ask to be a part of the transference of wealth. There’s some people today that’s watching that’s afraid to step in and say God, I’ll be a part of the transference. Folks, we’re seeing the greatest transference of many things. It’s going on in the background behind all of this chaos. So ask Him. Don’t be afraid. Ask.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“So Father God, we just thank You, Father. We thank You, Father where we don’t see You, we know You’re there, Father God. Father God, we thank You when it doesn’t look like you’re there, you’re there. Thank You, Father God for the remaking, the resetting. We thank You, Father God for what You’re doing. Father God, we thank You for transformation. We thank You Father God, we’re all transforming to another place. Another place, another place, Father God. A good place. It’s a place in you. And so Father, we just thank You, Father. We just invite You. We invite You, Father. Oh Father, we just invite You to fill us. Just fill this room, fill this city. Fill the nation, fill the region. Now let it vibrate into the nations, Father. And I still hear the Father say He’s telling the Native people of all the lands, He’s heard your cry. I heard your cry. He’s heard your cry and He’s coming to heal your land. Oh Father, we just thank You for the healing of the native land. Father, we thank You Father God when we say no more death. We say life. We thank You for healing, Father. Waves and waves of restoration. Waves of restoration. Let the Choctaw speak to their Navajo brothers and say we’re healed. We’re healed. Let the Navajo brothers, Father God, let them speak together and say we’re healed, healed. And let them speak to the other tribes and say we’re healed. We’re healed. And I thank You, Father God. The web, the web, the web, the web of sickness, Father God. I need to You to take the spiders off of the web that they can no longer suck the life out of the people, Father. And I thank You for that, Father. In the name of Jesus. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Jesus.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

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