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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

January 3, 2021

Prophetic Song

“Judah is rising up, Judah is rising up. Everyone of you, the band is being broken, yes you have to go. You fall, you break, you fall, fall. A war cry this is our war cry. This is our war cry. This is our war cry. This is our war dance, this is our war dance. This is our war dance, this is our war dance. This is our war beat, this is our war beat, this is our war beat, this is our war beat. This is our war sound, this is our war sound, this is our war sound. This is our war sound. Breakthrough. Break, break, oh.”


“So what I’ve been sitting on, I saw angelic minute men from heaven. I was feeling like I have felt before, the ground. It was turning, it was being overturned everywhere these minute men were going. And it was like I heard the Lord say you’re about to see the greatest show on earth. This is My glory war. And I saw from behind these angelic minute men, I saw a gold highway. And it is the highway of victory. We win. We claim that victory. That highway of victory. We triumph in His power in Jesus’ name.”


Prophetic Song

“Victory highway, victory highway, victory highway, victory highway. Victory highway, victory highway, victory highway."


“What I saw was a little different. But I saw earlier as we began after Jan shared with us what she saw as she was driving into this area in the county. And as we began to press in, doing war, this is really strange what I saw. But I saw angels with stakes and they were staking the land. They were staking the land. And I saw a band, it was like a rubberband, a thick rubber band that was being dismantled of witchcraft. And there were so many of them that they were at certain points but there were multiple, multiple angels putting these huge stakes in the ground. And the vibration will be felt with Yeshua from those stakes in the land. Amen.”


“And I don’t know what the significance of this is but I’m just going to say it. When I saw them, they were formed, they were in unison in the form of a diamond. Each stake was at each point of the diamond and I saw diamonds on the land.”


“When I woke up this morning I was hearing this sound and I started listening to the sound that I was hearing. It wasn’t in the natural, it was in my head. I was hearing this sound and I said Lord, what is this? And He said it’s Michael’s quarters. It’s open and He said angels are coming to the earth and He said I’m coming down like I did at Sodom and Gomorrah. He said, I’m walking this earth. I’m coming to see. I’m coming to see. He said because the great judgement hall is open. And He said every man, woman and child on whatever they make a stand one day, will stand before Me. He said, I’m watching. I’m watching.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“I heard that too and I was hitting the gavel and I almost didn’t do it and I kept hearing court’s in session. Court’s in session. Court’s in session.” Laurita

Prophetic Song

“Can you hear the sound? Can you hear the sound? Can you hear the sound?"


“Now the shofar that he’s blowing, it’s not just any type of shofar. The first one he blew earlier was when Israel would call their troops, call their people. This one, this is what they used in battle and this is the sound that everybody was listening for. This is to announce that they were winning the war. So this one would be blown everytime they were winning the war. So Lord Jesus, Your victory is our victory and we war from heavenly places and we war from where You sit and not from the earthly realm. We war with where You are and we bring it into the earthly realm.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Sound of victory, it’s the sound of victory. The sound of victory. It’s the sound, sound of victory. It’s a sound, sound of victory. We war from victory. We war from victory. It’s a sound of victory.”


“And the Lord said the same angels that led the children of Israel into victory, He said they’re on earth now leading My people who will walk there into victory. He said get rid of your stuff. Lay your junk down. Don’t take it any further. He said walk with these angels and see the same victory that the children of Israel did over the giants.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“And we welcome You, Jesus as the King and as Bridegroom. Our warrior King who is our Bridegroom, Lord. Not as the western civilization Jesus, but the Ancient of Days Jesus. The One that Daniel saw. Lord come, come. We made a place for You, Lord. Come into this place and we come as Your Bride and we fight with You, Lord. We don’t just sit as spectators. We take up that mantle and we war with You. We speak Your word that says the kingdom of this world is on your shoulders and it increases and it has no end, Jesus. In Your name, Yeshua.


Prophetic Song

“Can you hear the beat? Can you hear the beat? It’s the beat of victory. Can you hear the beat? Can you hear the beat? Can you hear the beat of victory, victory, victory. Can you hear the beat? Can you hear the beat? The beat of victory. It’s victory, it’s victory so shout. Shout, shout, shout, shout. “


“I have no idea what this means, but just a few minutes ago I saw buffalo. It was like we had hit an ancient, tribal sound and I saw buffalo. And I saw their heads being perked like they were attentive to the beat and I saw them rumbling, stirring up the dust. I saw them rumbling across the land and I have no idea what that means.”


Prophetic Song

“It’s victory, it’s victory, it’s victory. Can you hear the beat of victory it’s victory. It's victory.”


“OK what I’m hearing the Lord say, that just as quick, just as sudden as the chaos came - suddenly, suddenly the chaos will leave. Suddenly, the chaos will leave. And I hear the Lord say we are in that place. We are in that place of warfare going to that higher place in Him. Not just in Him, not just in heaven, but on earth. For the war cry, there’s war going on in the heavenlies. There's warfare going on in the earth realm but the Lord says that just as quick as the chaos came, the chaos will leave. It will leave, it will leave, it will leave in Jesus’ name. And earlier I saw, and this is, what I saw was, I saw Jesus. And He was face to face with satan and He was reminding him that he was defeated. That He defeated him on the cross. And He reminded him and He said to him, you have plotted and you have plotted and you have plotted. But My will will be done on earth even as in heaven. And then He reminded satan of his final destination. Oh we worship You, Jesus. We worship You, Jesus for Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We worship You, Lord. And I know this is going to sound strange, and I’m just going to say it, but it’s come up several times and I said Lord, what does this mean. But in this confrontation, in this conversation that Jesus is having with satan, He told him, He said you have traded evil after evil and made covenants with man. And the Lord told him, He says no more trading. For I am demolishing those demonic covenants that you have made with man. And I saw satan just back up, back up away from Him and he was shriveling up, screaming and yelling and sqreaching. And Jesus says no more, no more. And then I saw the fire, the fire, the fire of the Lord burning up. Burning up these demonic covenants and contracts that the enemy had made with man. And when these covenants and contracts, when they’re being burned up, Lord Jesus help me. I’m seeing Hollywood and these people. These individuals who have made covenants and contracts with the enemy, when those contracts are burnt up, they’re not going to know what to do. and they’re going to start talking, and they’re going to start talking and exposing things and they’re so confused. They’re so confused. So the Lord says don’t be surprised, don’t be shocked at what’s about to come. For I am about to expose even more in Hollywood. The corruption and there is justice coming and it links Hollywood with Washington, the corruption there. So get ready and don’t be surprised. I’m seeing ancient covenants that was made with the Natives that was not of the Lord that are being burned up. They’re being burned up.”


“And I saw the great hall, the great judgment hall of heaven open. I saw the Natives come in and I saw the Natives present how they had been wronged. And I saw the Lord Jesus come forth and He held up His hands to show the nail prints. He showed His feet and He said, He said, My blood, My blood has determined this judgment and He said today, today. The angels are going to earth and they are battling for the corruption to be overturned.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“So kind of going off what Konnie had said about the buffalo. I don’t know if you have ever seen buffalo in the wild but if you get a herd of buffalo and they start to go off in a different direction, they will all go together. But because they are so big, the herds will trample over anything that’s in front of them. They won't move out of the way and go around. They will just trample over it but the destruction that comes from the trampling of the ground yields a beautiful pathway. It's like a road, a highway, and what I’m hearing is a golden path and stay on the path.”


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