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January 26, 2020

Prophetic Song

”We only know how to do it with you, Lord. Here we are standing in your presence, Lord. Here we are, Lord. We press in, we press in, we press through, we press through, Lord. Here we are. What do You want to do? Move us, Lord. Move us. We move with You, we sing with You, we praise with You. It’s Your time, it’s Your step, it’s your time. We stir it up, Lord. We stir it up, Lord. Here we are standing in Your presence, Lord. Holy, holy, holy. Can you hear the elders singing? Can you hear the elders praising? Saying holy, holy, holy are You, Lord. Can you hear the angels singing? Can you hear they are proclaiming holy, holy, holy are You, Lord. You are worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. Can you hear their praises? Can you hear their praises? Can you hear the seraphim as they praise Him? Holy, holy, worthy, worthy of You, Lord. Sounds of heaven flood this place. Sounds of heaven we loose you on this land. Sounds of heaven, we call you in. We call in the sounds of heaven in this land. Can you hear it? Can you hear the movement of the wheel within the wheel? Can you hear Holy Spirit wind? Holy Spirit, hear the wind? Ruach Kodesh blow here, blow through. Blow here, blow through. Bring Your sound. Bring the motion. Bring the motion. Step in. We step in. Bring in the new. Lord bring in the new. We step in. We want to release Your new. We hear the wheel within the wheel. I can see it spinning. Wheel within the wheel, I can see it spinning. Hear the sounds of heaven. Hear the sounds of heaven. Hear the horses of heaven as they’re released. Hear the angels of heaven as they’re released. Release the sounds here, Lord. Release Your sounds here Lord. We step in. We step in. We push into You. We press into You. We want to hit Your revelation. We want to hit the release, Lord. The sound. Your sound. Creation is crying out. Creation is crying out. Creation is crying out. The three-fold cord of the enemy is unwinding. It’s unwinding from this land. It’s unwinding. Send the angels, Lord. Fight the battle, Lord. The victory. The victory. Creation is crying out. The land is crying out. We speak freedom this day. Freedom this day. Join with us. Creation join with us. Wheel of God release the sound of the Lord. Release over this land. We speak life. We speak life. Mountains of the enemy, they’re taken down. Call the mountain of the Lord, the mountains of the Lord. The land is crying out. We hear the land. With the beat of the land. Sound of His kingdom. Sound of God’s kingdom as we move up. We move up. We move up. We move up to the higher place. The higher place. Oh revelation. The air is different here. The very atmosphere is here as we move up. There’s clarity here, there’s more revelation. Our sound, it carries further. The atmosphere is different here, can you feel it? Colors are different here. The beat is different here. The sound is different here. The light is different here. It’s brighter now. Declarations they go farther now. Sounds, they go farther now. Temperature is cooler here, it’s clearer here. What do you hear? Do you see the movement of the angels all around? Can you feel the movement of the angels all around? As they move, they dance, they praise, they war. We war beside them, we dance beside them. We praise beside them, Lord. Holy, holy Lord God Almighty, Elohim. We praise You. We praise You, Father, creator of all things. You’re the beginning and the end. Lay down all expectations as you climb higher. Here we are standing in Your presence. Here we are standing in Your presence. Rise up, rise up rise up. There’s a key. There’s a key. I see a key. I see a huge golden key is being released. It’s for this region. Now it’s spinning. The key it’s spinning. It’s almost like a wheel within a wheel. It’s almost like a wheel within a wheel. It’s turning, it’s turning, it’s turning. It’s opening, it’s opening, it’s opening. We agree, Lord. What’s locked on heaven is locked on earth. What’s open in heaven is open on earth. Spinning faster. It’s spinning faster now. It’s pointing the way. It’s releasing the warrior angels on their horses. We’re going west. We’re going west.”

Sheila Zehr

“2 Kings 2:11 - As they were going along and talking, behold there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the 2 of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven.

2 Kings 6:17 - Then Elisha prayed and said, oh Lord, I have prayed, open his eyes that he may see and the Lord opened the servant’s eyes. And he saw and behold the mountains were full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Ps. 68:17 - The chariots of God, thousands upon thousands of them, the Lord is among them in His holiness.

Is. 66:15 - For behold the Lord will come in fire and His chariots are like a whirlwind to render His anger with fury and His rebuke with flames of fire.

So Father, I see the heavens opening and the keys turning this day to open up for Your chariots of fire to enter this land, Father God. Oh, Father God, for a new level. A new level. Father God, You are among these chariots and You come down with Your fire, with Your fire into this land. As the keys turn, Father God and the wheel within the wheel comes to earth and touch earth, Father God and Your chariots of fire come and release You into this land, Father God. Among Your flaming horses of fire, Father God comes out of heaven to burn Your way in this land.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Fire of God burn here. Bring Your cleansing. Fire of God burn here, bring Your cleansing. Place the coal on our lips, bring purification, Lord bring the coal for our lips. Cleanse our lips, bring the coal for our lips that we may only speak for You. Fire of God purify. Fire of God burn through. We let go. We let go. We let You, Lord God have Your way. Touch our lips, Lord. Touch our lips, Lord. So we can be ready. Send me, I will go. Send me, I will go. I will speak Your words, I will speak Your truth. Fire of boldness come on us. Fire of boldness, Lord. We call the fire of boldness to Your people, Lord. We speak what You have us to speak. We speak Your words, Lord. Fire on our house. Fire on our feet, Lord fans everything that would hold us back. Lift ourselves up to You. We lift our family lines up to You, Lord. We give You our permission, Lord. Burn away, burn away, burn away. Religious spirits have got to go. Judgments have got to go. We want fresh revelation. Not even just yesterday’s revelation, we want today’s revelation, today’s sound, today’s word, Lord. We declare today. We even declare tomorrow. Lord, we hear Your words and we speak and we sing, Lord. We release You, we release Your plan, we release Your way. We release Your beat, we release Your light. Flow through here, flow through us. Flow through here, flow through us. Waters are rising. The waters are rising, Lord. That’s when we walk on the water. That’s when we walk on top of the water, Lord. We call the next generation. We call the next generation to take their place. Still see the key spinning. Still see the wheel within the wheel. Still spinning. Open up Lord. Open up ye gates. Open up ye heavenly doors, open up ye heavenly gates. Open up ye heavenly doors so the King of glory comes in. We can ask for the King of glory to come in. We open the gates of our hearts. We let the King of glory come in. Come in through us, Lord. Come in through us, Lord. Open up ye heavenly gates, open up ye heavenly doors. Lord Sabaoth, Lord of the breakthrough. We welcome Your breakthrough. Welcome Your seraphim here. Welcome Your seraphim here, Your fiery ones, fire of the Lord. But it’s a new level. It’s higher than it’s ever been. It’s higher than it's ever been. Fire’s hotter than it’s ever been, fire’s hotter than it’s ever been. King of glory come in. King of glory come in. King of glory come in, we welcome You. Lord of breakthrough. King of glory come in. King of glory come in. King of glory come in, we welcome You. Come in this land, Lord. King of glory come in. We welcome the King of glory, have Your place. Release Your glory. Breakthrough, breakthrough. King of glory come in. New levels of glory come in. Open up ye gates. Open ye heavenly doors, King of glory come in. King of glory come in. Open up ye heavenly gates, open up ye heavenly doors. King of glory come in, King of glory come in. Open up ye heavenly gates, open up ye heavenly doors. King of glory come, King of glory come in. Come in King of glory. Come in King of glory, enter King of glory. All that it means, we can never be the same. We will never be the same. When the King of glory comes in we can never be the same. The key is opening the land for the King of glory to come in. King of glory come in. King of glory, King of glory, King of glory. Open up ye gates. Open ye heavenly doors. Land is crying out for the King of glory to come in. King of glory.”

Sheila Zehr

“Lord Jesus, we worship You, we exalt You. We praise You. We thank You that Your sound is here. The King of glory is here, Father God. We honor, we open the gate. We open the doors. We welcome You, King of glory. We welcome the sound of the King of glory into this land, Father.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“And I hear the Lord saying as the doors, it’s the ancient doors to the heavenly realm open, He says the warfare of the enemy has picked up greater and greater in this land. But, He says I am releasing from the arsenals of heaven even a greater warfare that will overtake the enemy in this land. It is My chariots of fire. It is the wheel within the wheel and I am coming. I am coming this day. I am invading this region He says, this day. Because My wheel within the wheel is turning and you shall see the 4 faces. You shall see the 4 faces manifest in this land. You shall see the ox, you shall see the lion, you shall see the face of man and you shall see My eagle and we will rise as we go through this land. Riding our chariots of fire our horses of fire have come down from the heavenly realm this day and they will burn deep into this land. And the enemy's arsenal will be defeated, in the name of Jesus.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“So with you saying that, I just feel I have to speak out. I sang about it, but I’m still seeing the key turned down but the key that I see is kind of above this second row of chairs and it spans almost the whole thing. It’s spinning counter clockwise and the key is pointed that way just like in the picture and it’s like I saw it turned down to open up the land. Now it’s back up in the air. So I just put that out there. That’s what I’m seeing today and it’s, I feel like it’s here for a purpose for a time, not just the moment. I thank You, Lord. Father for the unlocking that You want and the locking that You want and we agree and thank You for the key and the wheel within the wheel this day and all that You want to accomplish in that. In the name of Yeshua.”

Sheila Zehr

Prophetic Song

“It’s spinning, it’s spinning, it’s opening. The key is opening. It’s opening the ancient things that God intended. It’s opening the ancient; the things that God intended for this land. And we’ll be closing the ancient things of the enemy. It will be closing ancient places of the enemy.”

Sheila Zehr

“This picture, the prophetic meaning behind this picture, this is what a prophetic artist saw and the prophetic meaning behind this picture is the treasure chest of Mississippi will be opened from this region. This shows you the water. Water contains treasure. If you know anything about land, treasures follow rivers and old river banks and old river beds and all of that. And then it shows a treasure chest of land being unlocked and the key from heaven coming was what the artist saw into this region to open up the state and the regions. And she saw the key that would be released as a wheel within a wheel. And if you will look at it real close, she drew the key as a spinning wheel within the wheel. That’s huge and that’s what we’ve been singing.

So on June 6, 2009, Johnny Enlow stood right here. Many of you know the great prophet. He’s a great prophet. He stood right here, when we had the rug here. He stood on the rug. What I saw here in the spirit was a healing pot of reconciliation released to all the nations. See, when we reconcile, that’s not racism folks. Get off of reconciliation between races. It’s when we let everybody prosper and be who they’re created to be. When we reconcile, right. There’s a reconciliation being released to all of the nations. If you know the history of this land, this land totes history of division going way back before the civil rights era. So let me just get that in there. I’m not going to take time to get you that but it goes much further. It goes into the Indian removal act. It goes much deeper. That just set the stage for the other to be able to happen here. Do you see what I’m saying? If you understand land, Philadelphia will be known for harmonious relationships between the races that extends to the Native Americans, also the African Americans and the whites. There’s just a pot that the Lord is brewing and stewing here and will continue to be released. I feel like the Lord told me there’s a new attention He’s causing to come to Philadelphia. A new growth. I see growth taking place. It will be an explosive thing. Explosive growth coming to Philadelphia and around. I saw literal gold being found here. And I heard the Lord say it’s going to cause a mini gold rush that extends into the state of Mississippi. But around Philadelphia, I saw the destiny of the city, beautiful city, with lots of color, lots of trees and a 100,000 people. Now since he gave this prophecy, this city has continued to grow. I used to could come across town in 5 minutes. It takes 15 now. I also saw a learning center. A university geared to the Native Americans. Something very unique. The very first of its kind in the nation. It’s part of the reconciliation that will be released to the nations. I kept sensing there’s supposed to be a school here. Like a really strong run by Christians, but it doesn’t have to be for Christians. You’re going to raise up a whole generation that's going to start really small. Maybe a nursery school and it's just going to take off and raise up a whole generation in this state who understand the 7 mountains of God: family, government, religion, business, entertainment, media and education. He says it's going to raise up a generation from here that understands how to move Godly in those areas. See, God didn’t make everybody to preach. We make like the only way to serve God is to preach. That’s not so. Those 7 mountains is what we are to conquer. Every Christian should be at the top running those 7 mountains. It should not be run by the enemy’s people. It should be us on top having the enemy’s people sitting under us. And that’s what he said. We will have education systems here. He sees that will teach people how to run those systems from the top. He goes on to say I don’t know if there will be a 7 mountain school but it will be so prestigious, an expression of the Father’s heart. A sense of family. There will be a waiting list to get in. You won’t be able to possibly in the beginning stages take care of all the things that need to be taken care of. It’s going to be funded in a very amazing way. But, it’s a very prestigious school. A kind that people will pay lots of money to go to. That’s an amazing prophecy, is it not? But he’s also talking about the resources of this state being unlocked from right here. That’s amazing, is it not? Now, just think about that. So let’s see how that ties in to what I’m talking about. This is what I’m thinking is happening in the spirit realm. I think we had a new level of angelic visitation today to unlock something different in the spirit realm here.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

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