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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

January 17, 2021

“I just saw the Lord give us jewels and then about that time Rain came up and brough that little jewelry box down. So we just receive the jewels in secret places, Father. And even jewels that you created for each one of us personally for us. We receive them now Father. These people here and for the people on the web, we receive it to go deeper with You, Lord. We thank You Lord. We don’t take it for granted or lightly and we receive now in your name, Jesus Yeshua.”


“A few minutes ago I was hearing the Lord say that everything that can be shaken will be shaken. But remember, listen for My heartbeat and remember My heartbeat is behind the shaking.”


“And the Lord says, for yes, you have been hearing the rumblings. Yes you have felt the rumblings. That is the rumblings of My roar. That is the rumbling of My roar. And the Lord says you are about to see My fire from the rumbling come forth from the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. For I am ahead of the warrior angels on the horses, says the Lord. You’re going to see the fire, the fire burn across this land, across this nation, across the nations says the Lord. For know that the rumblings that you’ve been feeling, the rumblings that you’ve been sensing is the rumbling of My roar. You’re about to see the fire coming forth from the rumbling.”


“And the Lord says I want you in My fire. I want you in My fire so I can burn up anything in your generational line says the Lord. For this fire is a holy fire. It‘s the pure fire. For you will see many fall. You will see many fall so don’t be caught off guard for those that fall. But I say to you, as you stand, as you stand and you run with Me and you let My fire burn across this land, across these nations, not just in America, but through the nations. For you will see many that will fall and you will see many that will stand and you will see many that will rise up for righteousness says the Lord. Did I not say that I would never leave you nor forsake you? For I have not forsaken you, for I am with you, I am with you says the Lord. And you will see and you will know everything that I will show. And you will see and you will know every direction that i tell you to go. For I am not going to give you a bunch of legalistic things to do. My Spirit flows freely and it’s here today for you. Step into the fire. Step into the fire and let Me burn those things out of you and purify you. And I say again, I say again do not be discarded, do not be dismayed, do not be caught off guard and do not be surprised at those that fall for look at those that stand. Look at those that I am raising up says the Lord.”


“And the Lord says for you are about to see the greatest show on earth. You’re about to see the miraculous. For I do miracles everyday that you don’t even notice. For didn’t you get up this morning and breathe Me in and breathe Me out? But you’re about to see the miraculous like you've never seen it before. And the Lord says don’t turn a deaf ear to the sound of My heartbeat. For you are about to see the greatest show on earth. It’s not going to be a circus to those that have an ear to hear and eyes to see. But the Lord says watch My demonstration of My power for the miraculous. Miracles. The greatest show on earth.”


“As the Lord said He was to bring in the fire and He was hovering, He said to listen to Him in a new way. Well I began to, even when I was driving up here this morning I could feel the oil in my hand. And as we came in and He said to look for Him in a new way and hear Him in a new way. I began to feel the fire coming on my back and as Daniela was drumming, I was sensing she was drumming in the fire. And the more she drummed, the more the fire was hitting my back and I can still feel it. The fire, the healing fire of God.”


“The drums are rhyming with heaven this day. There in rhythm with the angels stirring the coals of heaven. Listen to them. You will feel the healing fires being stirred. The healing fires that are coming to earth. This is miracles, signs and wonders. The Lord said I will return and while I’m hovering, He says this is a hovering where I’m even stepping back in time. He says I’m going to bring a healing to My Native people. He says I’m going to bring a deep healing to the land of Native America. He says I’m even going into Central America. I’m healing deep into the roots of the Native people. He said I will no longer compete with the gods of the land. He said the sound that you hear stirring is fire that’s going to burn out the other gods that’s tried to rule this land.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“I just want to share this. Joy, when you led us into that expression that you led us, it was like I saw another portal open and I saw, I don’t even know if there is such a thing, but I saw more ferocious, militant angels that we had unlocked. A portal. And those angels were like backup.

They were coming in. We had reached a point where another portal was unlocked and more of the angelic force, the militant angelic force of the Lord had been released.”


“Father God, in Jesus’ name, we welcome the militant angels. We welcome the angels of fire on the horses. We welcome Your beat, Your heartbeat. We welcome the fire and we say burn baby, burn. When Ruth Ann released that word about the Native and the Lord says that He’s not going to compete or allow these gods on the land anymore, I saw something. And I kinda laughed because it was pretty cool. But I saw the finger of God just raise up and flick them off. Just pushing them, just like you’re getting something off of your hand like water. And I saw fire coming from His hands just burning them up. Burning them up, these false gods.”


“Right before Sonja blew the shofar and as she blew the shofar, it’s like a sense of the truth is being revealed of the uncovering with the vibration and the beat. God is uncovering. Using that to uncover, raise the veil. We thank You, Father. Remove the counterfeit.”


“So I don’t know where this fits in but somebody else will know. This morning as I was leaving the house, the Lord said for me to get my drum to bring today. So I have my little drum and when everybody was prophesying of what was going on, what I saw was for some reason it was highlighted 1776, but also what I saw were the angels but they were dressed in military garb and it was solid red and drummers were going ahead and what I heard was the beat of the drum of them going ahead of the army was to signal to everybody else, beware we are coming.”


“Today is the 17th. Talking about 1776. Seventeen means victory. That’s one of the meanings and also election. It’s another meaning of 17.”


“Also the anglosaxons, I think it was the anglosaxons, when they took over Europe. They would play the drum because the sound would carry and it would strike fear in everybody, like Ireland, Rome and all that before they got there. And they would also burn, the smoke would come up so they would look across the land and hear that sound and see the burning and they would just be afraid. So we just release that on the enemy right now. We release the sound and the sight, the movement and the trembling that’s coming forth right now for the kingdom to rise up in Jesus’ name.”


“Well what I was seeing was Konnie. At first I didn’t get the whole picture. She was dressed in a wedding gown and it was beautiful. and I thought well, it’s the body of Christ. But the drums were gold and awhile ago I got the rest of it. I thought she was in a church setting and I got another piece of it. She was dressed in the wedding gown playing the gold drums in the Vatican.”


“So Father, we send this sound around the world where it needs to go, Father. We send this beat. We send Your announcement that You’re here, that You’re coming. We send this around the world to every place it needs to touch.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“So Father let Your earth carry this sound. Let Your vibration of the earth carry this sound. Let it flow through the nation and the nations, Father. Father, let it go into the nations of the world. Father, let it flow with the rivers and ride the wind, Father. Father, let it go to the tribes. The announcements that You’re coming.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“So what the Lord is showing me is the liberty bell. He's showing me the liberty bell and I’m hearing the song America. Sweet land of liberty. Hear the sound of the bell of liberty ringing over America this day. I am singing My beautiful song of liberty over this land that I have called America. Also, I heard a clock ticking. I heard a clock ticking and He said it is My time, My kairos timing that has come to repair the liberty bell.”


“And I saw a signet ring too and it was red just go down like it's sealed."


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