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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

February 28, 2021

“I saw the Cedars of Lebanon and I looked it up and I’m just going to read this word from Psalm 29. Ascribe to the Lord O sons of the mighty. Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Lord we ascribe to You glory and strength. We give You the glory do Your name. We worship You in the beauty of holiness in holy array. Your voice is upon the waters today. Your glory thunders today here in this place from Your throne room. To the core of the earth You are upon many waters and You are upon our waters. You are powerful. Your voice is powerful. Your voice is full of majesty. Your voice breaks the cedars. Break, break break. You break in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. Any high place, Lord we tear down right now and we build Your altar. You make us to skip like a calf. Lebanon and Mt. Herman like a young wild ox in Mt. Hermon. That place where the kings were scattered, the evil kings. Your voice has split and flashed forth flashes of lightning. Your voice makes the wilderness tremble. Oh Lord, You have shaken the wilderness in Kadesh. Your voice makes the hinds to bring forth young. Multiplication, multiplication. Lord as we go out and pray over the young today and the schools, the Lord strips bare the forest any evil that tries to rise up against You while Your temple sings glory. Everyone in Your temple says glory. Lord, You have sat as king over the deluge any deluge that tries to come in. Lord You sit as king and You still sit as king forever in eternity. We declare and decree that. You will give unyielding, impenetrable strength to Your people. Lord, we receive in this season of Purim unyielding, impenetrable strength from You, Lord. That's one of Your 7-fold Spirits of might. Your people Lord, You do bless Your people with peace and we receive it today. Lord, we put on. We just declare and decree that it’s a day of tables being turned. That word in Hebrew is ‘hapoch’ and we just declare and decree that the tables have been turned on our behalf and our favor in Jesus’ name.”


“Ok I want to speak this out to some of the warriors out there. The Lord has called us to soar as eagles. And as we were singing this song and it says I just found my wings and I'm ready to fly. There is a transition going on to loosen the fuzz off of your feathers where you are getting rid of the old and new growth is coming. We are moving up into a higher level so we can soar higher. This is the season and this is the time says the Lord and I am taking you up into the 3rd heaven. There have been those that have cried out to Me and said I want to go up. I want to go up and I want to see like Jesus sees. I want to hear like Jesus hears and you have heard and you have seen but the Lord says I am enhancing your vision. I am enhancing and taking you to a higher place of hearing Me of the new growth of that new level comes forth now in Jesus’ name. You will see and you will hear from the 3rd heaven and you will declare it, you will decree it and it will be so says the Lord.”


“Lord, we’re ready to fly, we're ready to soar. We’re ready. We’re ready. The Lord says you’re not waiting on Him. all you have to do is step in. Step in and soar and soar and soar and He’s going to give you more strategy. He’s going to give you an overview. an overview of the blueprint. I’m seeing a blueprint from the 3rd heaven and the Lord says I have built My church. I am building my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against My church, says the Lord. the lord says this is a turning point. This is a turning point in the spirit realm this day. It is Kairos timing. For in My time, you will see great and mighty things as you step up and you rise up to that 3rd heaven with Me seated in heavenly places. Joint heirs with My Son Jesus Christ. You will see and He will explain and He will show and you will know and you will go, says the Lord.”


"The Lord says do not hesitate and do not fear for the Spirit of My Son is always near for He lives in you, He dwells in you so rise up. Let go of the hesitation, let go of the preconceived ideas. Let go, let go, let go and soar."


“So earlier, so clearly I heard the screeching of an eagle. I saw it flying over and I heard the screeching and what it’s doing, it’s causing us to rise up from our slumber to look up. Rising up, rising up to look up to come out of the slumber. It’s causing an awakening to come to God’s people. This day the awakening is on the verge and it’s happening today from this place in Philadelphia, Mississippi. We are being awakened. We are awoke. We see. We set our sights above on the King of Kings and that awakening is coming today. It is being sent forth from this land today to Washington D.C. from the west to the east to the north to the south. Set your sights. The awakening is here.”


“So Father right now, in the name of Jesus, I just call forth the education system. Father, I decree and declare in the name of Jesus where negative occultic practices have been practiced on college campuses and schools through kindergarten all the way to 12th grade. I declare and decree that is broken down over the education system in Jesus name. Father God, I thank You for those that are rising up in the education departments across this land, across this nation, across the globe that are rising up hearing Your voice. And our children will not be taught wicked ways in wicked practices. I declare and decree they will be taught righteousness and truth in Jesus’ name. Father, right now in Jesus name, I declare and decree that the ungodly mindsets that were established years and years ago in our education system, it’s being torn down by Your power, by Your confronting, by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. We’re not waiting on it but it’s happening, says the Spirit of the Lord. So Father God, I repent in the name of Jesus and I ask You Lord, to forgive me for speaking about the negative mindset over our children and over education. For Father, Your Words says call things that be not, as though they are. And so Father, You’re past it. You’re seeing healed, delivered and in the right mindset. So Father, forgive me for staying back here waiting for it to happen instead of seeing it already done, in Jesus’ name.”


“Father, I declare and decree in the name of Jesus that our ancestors, through the Native Americans through every race, every creed, every color that has stood up for righteousness, Father, I declare and decree we pull it forth to the now, to the present, and to the now and to the future in Jesus’ name. Not always back says the Lord and we pull it forth in Jesus name.”


“So what I’m hearing the Lord say, I’m hearing Him say find your rhythm. Find your rhythm in My cadence because My cadence is marching across the land. Find your rhythm to get into My cadence and march with the host of heaven this day.”


“You know our flag is sometimes referred to as old glory. I’m seeing the flag of glory. The glory of the Lord waving across the USA. So Father, we welcome, we welcome this wave of Your glory. We thank You, Father.”


“There’s a change of the guard. Angels gather, angels gather. Reinforcement angels gather.”


“I saw a thermometer. And the Lord says the temperature is rising. The temperature is rising. He says there are those that thought you were cold because you had set your thermostat on a certain mindset. And the Lord says your temperature is rising in the spirit. And when you get to the right temperature in the spirit, you’re going to be able to attain the altitude that you soar in the spirit. So the Lord says don’t grow cold. If you’re at that place where you’re cold, ask the Lord to thaw you out. He says that I am already wooing you and drawing you to that higher place in Me, but I need your thermostat to rise. So I keep seeing the thermostat in the spirit realm rising. There was a fellow sister in the Lord that had a dream not long ago about a thermostat. And the Lord says though the enemy has tried to cut down the thermostat to make it colder, He is causing it to rise. He says you've been saying, well I’m just warming up and I’m just stepping into this and the Lord says no, you’re rising to a higher level. For the enemy is not allowed to turn the thermostat down. For the Lord says He’s got His hand on that thermostat of your spirit and you are rising up and you are fixing to see breakthrough. There's breakthrough coming. There’s a breakers anointing in you and the Lord says I am breaking every stronghold of the enemy that has held you back and in a frozen condition and He says the ice has been broken. It’s melting off of you and you are rising up. You are rising up so you can soar so you can be at the right temperature in the spirit to soar where He’s called you to soar, in Jesus’ name.”


“The Lord says where it’s been cold in the education system, where there’s been a coldness and a disheartening of wholeness, the Lord says He is causing HIs fire to just do a mighty melt down in the education system and on the students to cause their temperature to arise. He says no longer will they be bound by coldness. For in the days to come, in the months to come, and within the next couple months you’re going to see a major shift in the higher up education system across the nation. He said there will be those that will be brought down in the education system. And He says, when this begins to happen and it’s already happening. It’s already happening. He says when it starts happening, know that I am doing this. Don’t try to reason it, don’t say it’s the enemy. God says I know the heart of man and woman. And I am bringing those down and I am causing those that have been cold to break through and melt off the ice and the coldness and they will run to the right temperature and take their rightful place in education.”


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