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Writer's pictureKonnie Victory

August 23, 2020

“Father, I thank You that You are an all consuming fire. I thank You Father God that You fill us with Your fire. I thank You Father God that You are igniting fires in us Lord. And that we’re walking in a new season, a new way, Father. And Lord we worship You in spirit and in truth. For You are the consuming fire Father. And Lord we praise You. We exalt You. You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Father.”


Prophetic Song

“You are the fire that burns inside of Me. I take hold and declare liberty. I take hold of all consuming fire. Burn in me, Lord all that You desire. Glory and honor. We give You praise. Rest on our face. Consuming fire. This day and hour You are the fire. Let Your fire fall. Let Your rivers flow, plunging us in the direction You want us to go. Fall in this place. All consuming fire. All consuming fire. Oh the rivers are flowing now. Treasures are rising up. rivers are flowing now. Can you see what the Lord sees? Oh let the fire fall. Let the fire fall, let Your wind blow. Oh the fire is burning. Consuming what You desire it to. Burn in me. Burn in us. Oh burn, Lord. Oh, the glory’s here. Oh, the glory’s here. Oh, the glory’s here.”


“Ok, what I’m hearing is and what I’m seeing is the army of the Lord. The Ecclesia. I’m seeing them get in line and they’re lining up. And what I’m seeing is and what I’m hearing is they’re marching towards victory. We have the victory. And the Lord says you have the victory. We do not live in defeat. We do not live in defeat. Watch what comes out of your mouth. Stop saying I’m defeated. Stop saying I’m unworthy. Stop saying I can’t do it because the Lord says you can do it because greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world. What’s in you? Who’s in you? Jesus Christ, the spirit of the living God. The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you. The Lord says to take your position. Take your position because there’s a transition. There’s a transition. God is transitioning things. God is transitioning things. He says take your position in the army of the Lord. Take your weapons. Take your weapons and go forth and do what I tell you to do. Don’t worry about the past. Don’t worry about what the media says. Don’t worry about what the news is saying, but focus on Him. Focus on Him. For where your heart is, there’s your treasures. The Lord says He’s releasing treasures today. There’s treasure chests that has been opening for a while now and the Lord says I’m giving you your treasures. But you have to possess it just like the children of Israel had to go in and possess the promised land. He says it’s time. It’s time to take your treasures, to take your weapons. To take your orders and do what I have called you to do. There’s a transition going on. And I’m seeing children. The Lord says that the children are listening to Him for they have orders too. Don’t despise what they say or what they do, for I am putting in them what they need to say and what they need to do. Just as you are My children, the little ones, the little ones, the little ones, the children. They are mine too. And I am giving them strategies and I am giving them the prophecies and I am giving them decrees and declarations to speak forth into the spirit realm, into the natural. For it will not be months and years and years before you see the prophecies come to the forefront. For when they prophesy, it will happen quickly. You will see results quickly. There’s transitions coming. Transitions coming. Transitions coming. I’ve already been transforming things so watch My glory. Watch My glory. Watch My fire. Ask for My fire. Ask for the glory for My glory is here. My glory is here. Can you hear My heartbeat? Can you hear My heartbeat? Can you hear My heartbeat? It’s accelerating. It’s accelerating because I am excited. I’m happy, says the Lord. I’m happy and I am well pleased. So keep pushing through. Keep pushing through and you will see exactly what I am about to do.”


Prophetic Song

“It’s time. It’s time. It’s time. It’s time. It is time to receive the new. It’s time for Me to move freely through you. Be quick to respond, for the battle has already been won. It’s time. It’s so much that I want to do.”


Prophetic Song

“Come up here I have something to say. Come up here, I’m going to show you the way. Come up here, I’ve got something to say. Come up here, there’s no fear today. Come up here, I’ve got something to say. Come up here, you don’t have to fear in any way. Come up here, I’ve got something to say. Come up here and let Me soar with you today. I’m coming down here to show you the way. I’m coming down here to give you words down here. I’m coming right here in your heart today. Come on with Me and watch what I say. And the angels are here to show you the way. They have their orders from heaven’s quarters. So we listen to them, partner with them and they will give you the strategy for what you need. Trust Me, trust Me, trust Me. Trust Me, trust Me, trust Me. Trust Me, trust Me, trust Me. Trust Me, trust Me and then you will see. Trust Me, trust Me, trust Me. Trust Me, trust Me. Trust Me, trust Me and then you will see. Trust. Trust. Trust. Trust. We trust You, Lord. We trust You, Lord. We trust You, Lord. And then we will see. Release, release, release. Oh, there’s a release, a release. Release, release, release, release.”


“Ok, so this is what I’m hearing. I’m hearing trust Me. Trust Me. Trust Me. Trust Me says the Lord. Trust Me. Did I not part the Red Sea? Did I not anoint David to slay the giant? Did I not turn the water into wine? Did I not raise Lazarus from the dead? Did I not say in My Word that I have given you all authority and the works that I have done you will do greater? Did I not say trust Me says the Lord. Did I not say trust Me? And as you trust Me, there’s a release of My power. There’s a release of My fire. There’s a release of My water. There’s a release of My anointing. The Lord says trust Me. Trust Me and then you will see. Trust Me before you see it. Trust Me before you can taste it. Trust Me before you hear it. Trust Me. Am I not in you? Have I not spoken to you and told you things to do? Have I not? Have I not? So what are you waiting for? Trust Me. Trust Me. Trust Me and step out. And just as I parted the Red Sea, just as I slew the giant and anointed David to slay the giant, Goliath. Just as I turned the water into wine. Did I not say that I’m not a God of your time? For there’s no time in Me says the Lord. The Lord says to rise up and trust Me. Trust Me. Trust Me to do all that I have promised you in My Word. And yes, there are hidden treasures. Yes, there are hidden treasures. And you will find them and you will see them. There’s hidden revelation. There’s hidden knowledge and revelation and understanding that I am releasing. There’s a release. There’s a release today as you trust Me. Trust Me, says the Lord. Trust, trust, trust Me, trust Me. Trust Me. Trust. Trust, trust. Trust Me. ”


“So Father, we trust You. We trust You and lean not unto our own understanding, Father. Father God, as You have imparted to each and every one of us, Father, treasures, Lord that are hidden. Lord, help us Holy Spirit to tap into those treasures. The hidden revelations, the hidden understanding. The hidden things, Lord that You want to reveal today. Lord as we trust You, we thank You, Father God for the release of Your treasures in each and every one of us. Father we thank You. I thank You Father for the release of the treasures in the Ecclesia corporately, Father. And Father God, just as we take our position, just as we get our assignments and orders from You, Father God and we trust You personally. We trust You in our families, in our finances, in our health, in our jobs, in every realm of influence, Father God that You have us here for. For Lord, we’re not here by accident. But Father, You have a destiny for each and every one of us. And Father as we come together in one heart and in one mind, Father, submitting to You, Lord as the Ecclesia. You have a destiny for the Ecclesia. Lord I thank You. I thank You, Father God for the release in us but also in the Ecclesia corporately. What I’m seeing is a release of treasures that’s been hidden in us that we have to tap into. But there’s also treasures on a different level with the Ecclesia as the body of Christ comes together that God’s going to release. He’s already been releasing it but there’s more as we come into that unity. So Father, we exalt You for You are the all consuming fire. And Father, I just come before You now and I repent for trying to do my own thing this morning. I ask that You forgive Me and cleanse Me, Father. Lord, we thank You for the release. For the release as we trust You. We trust You, in Jesus’ name.”


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