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September 20, 2020

“God said I’m on the earth and My Kingdom’s coming. My will’s going to be done.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“I’m hearing the Lord say that He is coming and His feet are on the land today. His feet are on the land today.”


“So Father we step where You step on the land. We dance where You dance on the land, Father God. We crush what You crush on the land, Father God. We’re in step with You, Father God.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“The angel armies, the troops are forming. They’re forming. Join in. Join in. Join in.” Konnie

“So even as I just hold this mattha on the floor, I can feel the vibration of the drums on the floor. I can feel the land vibrating. So as Ruth Ann said that the feet of Yeshua are on the land that vibration is coming from the land, Lord, I thank You for Your vibration being released as Your feet rest on the land, Father.” Sheila

“This is what I'm hearing. I keep on hearing the word as the drums are speaking and it keeps on saying angels coming. Angels coming, angels coming down. So wherever you are, whether you’re in your home, I want you to start declaring. If you’re watching us online, but if you’re here I want you to start welcoming the angels. Start declaring the angels are coming down. They’re walking with the Father on the land. Start declaring wherever you’re watching from, that God can use your place as a portal for the angels to come down into the earth and do the work of the Father in the land. Anyone from Honduras, if anyone is on from Honduras, start declaring angels can use your home as a portal to come down, to come into the earth to do the work of the Father on the land.” Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Angels coming, angels working, angels coming. Angels marching, angels coming, angels working with the Father on the land. Angels coming, angels coming. Angels working with the Father, angels coming. Angels marching, angels working with the Father in the land. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Release your sound, angels coming, angels working, angels marching. Working with the Father, angels coming. Angels working angels marching, marching on the land. Whoa, whoa.” Sheila

“This is what I hear the Father saying. He says Philadelphia Mississippi has been the sight of many marches over the last 100 - 150 years. He said but now, it’s My march. He says I’m starting from here. He says where marches have started here and it’s gone across this state. He says where marches have started here and cases have gone all the way to the Supreme Court, He says now My angels are marching here. He says My angels are marching from here and He says it is My march this time for My purpose He says. It’s My rhythm. It’s My beat and those that think they have already overtaken Me He says no. I’m about to show you who I am, says the Lord. He said you will know My Son because you will see the manifested power of My Son pouring out in Philadelphia, Mississippi as I march. He said the march has started here and went through the state. He says I’m starting here today and I’m marching but I’m going to be releasing over this year into this state, into this region and into this nation the manifestation of My miracles, the manifestation of My power and no one will ever, ever be able to say again that Jesus is not as powerful. He says I will show how powerful My Son is.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“After Konnie released that word about the Lord’s feet being on the ground I immediately saw and heard it first and then I saw it. I heard tribes coming together. Tribes coming together and then I saw the tribes coming together. The tribes across this nation forming a circle around our nation and joining forces with the angels to bring forth the original intent of our land, of our nation to the forefront. And I just keep seeing the Natives. I just keep seeing the Natives. The different tribes across our nation coming together, coming together doing a war dance. They’re doing a war dance. They’re doing a war dance. And I also heard this morning coming over to church I saw the army angels being released. I saw the angels being released and I kept hearing the word justice. Justice will be served. Justice will be served. Justice will be served.”


“So everybody start declaring where you are, the angels come down. The angels come in. The angels come down and they’re released to march from wherever you are. They’re released to march.” Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Angels coming down, angels coming down. Angels coming down throughout the land. Angels coming down, angels coming down. Angels coming down throughout the land. We call it in. Angels coming down, angels coming down. Angels coming down throughout the land. Angels coming down, angels coming down. Angels coming down throughout the land. We see the war dance, we see the war dance. Doing the war dance. Release your war dance. Angels coming down, angels coming down. Angels coming down throughout the land. Angels coming down, angels coming down. Angels coming down throughout the land. We see the war dance being released on the land. We see the war dance being released on the land. We see the war dance being released on the land. We see the war dance.”


“The Lord says as My tribes dance across this land together. As they dance around the borders of this nation, He said this time they’re not joining in the emotions of their hurt and pain but they’re joining as a healed people coming together for My purpose and they dance. They dance this time as a healed people with My purpose.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“It is a new thing. It is a new sound. It’s a new rhythm of the Lord coming on the land. Can you feel the vibrations? The new is here. The new vibration is right by you. Can you hear the sound of the new thing. It’s a new sound. It’s a new rhythm of the Lord. It is a war dance of victory. It is a war dance of victory claiming the land, claiming the land. The vibrations are going throughout this land. Bringing a new sound. A new sound of victory. A new sound of victory. It is a new sound. I see the vibrations going through the land. I see the vibrations going through the land creating a new sound of victory. Creating the sound of overcoming. It is a new sound vibrating from the land.”


“This is really strange what I’m seeing, but I’m seeing the blood vessels and the arteries and the blood running through a body. And as the vibration is going out through the land, that’s what I’m seeing because the blood is purifying the land. It’s purifying the land. It’s refreshing and it’s new and it’s pure. The pure blood of Jesus running through the body of Christ, running through the Ecclesia cleansing all those things that have bound up the land and has bound up His people. It’s the blood. It’s the blood and it’s the vibration of the new sound going through the land, going through the body. Purifying through the blood of Jesus. And as the warriors and as the angels are marching, as they’re dancing and they’re doing their war dance of victory, of the new sound, the new vibration. Every time their feet hit the land, everytime they make a move on the land, it is pumping that blood through the land purifying and cleansing the land. Cleansing people. Cleansing the Ecclesia. And where there’s been blockages, where there’s been blockages in the Ecclesia and in the land, I’m seeing the purity of the blood of Jesus throwing, driving out and pushing out those forces, pushing what’s been clogged up in the land. I’m hearing the Lord say there will be no more arrhythmias. There will be no more palpitations, irregular palpitations in the land. They’ll be no more arrhythmias where it’s an irregular heartbeat but it will be the heartbeat of the Father because His feet are on the land.”


“So Father, we come into the rhythm of Your beat, Father God. We come into the rhythm of Your heart, Father where we and our ancestors have not beat with Your heart, Father. We beat with Your heart Father God. The church, the Ecclesia now comes into Your rhythm Father God and we allow the blood of Jesus to wash the Ecclesia, Father. Come in this day. We open the portals, Father God. We open the portals for the blood of Jesus to pour into the Ecclesia this day Father God and purify Your Ecclesia Father God. We step in to be purified by Your blood Father God, by Your rhythm. Father God, we surrender to You as the Ecclesia.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

Prophetic Song

“Vibrations in the land, the blood is flowing. Feel His vibrations in the land. Vibrations in the land the blood is flowing. Vibrations in the land. We step in. We step in.”


“This is what I'm hearing and I don’t know where it fits but this is what I’m hearing. And the Lord says where the winds have blown, where the damaging winds have come, you’re going to see a miraculous rebuilding about My children. Those that are Mine. You’re even going to see a separation of sheep and goat in the rebuilding. He says you’re going to see a miraculous rebuilding. He says people are going to stand in awe to say how did you come back and rebuild like that? And you’re going to be able to say, I can’t explain it. I can’t explain where the money came from. I can’t explain it. I can’t explain it but it belongs to Jesus. So Father God, we thank You, Father God for the miraculous. The miraculous is coming in through the portals now for Your children Father God. Where Your children, for those that are following You. We live in the miraculous, Father God. In the miraculous.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“Now just feel the atmosphere because He’s here. Feel Him, He’s heavy here. You people that’s watching, start noticing your atmosphere at your place or wherever you are. And just let Him fill the atmosphere. Let Him bring you the miraculous. Father, we step into Your miraculous power. We yield to be used. We allow the cleansing, the deep cleansing of our blood to be used by You in the miraculous, Father. So just notice Him all around you. Even those that are watching and just notice where He is. Pay attention to Him.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“You know when we were in the presence of the Lord, it’s so strong. His presence is so strong in this place this morning and it was quiet. I heard Bella. And she was saying, Daddy, Daddy. Mommie, Daddy. And I heard the Lord say I hear the cry of My children. I hear your cry. And the Father says I am here. I don’t turn a deaf ear when I hear My child call Me by name. For I find pleasure, it overjoys Me and My love runs deep for My children. And I heard the Lord say I am Your Father and you are My child. Ask what you will. Ask Me and you will be filled. So Father, we cry out to You this morning and we thank You for Your love. I have a Father, Daddy God. Papa we love You and we praise You. We honor you. And I thank You Father that You are a loving God. You’re a loving Father who does not turn a deaf ear to Your children. But Father, You hear our cries, You hear our desires. You hear our declarations. And Father, I thank You and that You are meeting, You have already met all of our needs. But I also thank You, Father for the desires of Your heart that You’ve imparted to Your children to bring forth Your Kingdom, Your sound, Your rhythm on this earth on the land, Father. To change this nation, to change the nations of Your love for Your heartbeat for Your children. Thank You, Father.”


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