“This is what I see. I see a big bowl of fire altar in heaven. It’s like it’s being stirred by the angels of Yahweh. It’s like it’s being stirred and fanned. And it’s a fire that’s going to be released. It’s going to bring victory to God’s people here on earth. It’s burning in heaven and we’re about to see it burn through this land. But it’s the fire of God burning. It’s not the fire of the enemy burning, it’s the fire of God that’s about to burn.”
Ruth Ann McDonald
“So what I’m seeing already, I’m seeing Native Americans that have descended in the cloud of witnesses and they are marching in. They are marching in and they are joining in and inviting us to join in with the beat this morning. They’re Native Americans from the cloud of witnesses that have entered in. We get to, we need to enter in with them this morning.”
Prophetic Song
“He’s rising up, He’s rising up, it’s rising up, rising up. Our God rising up. Rising up from the land. Rising up, rising up, rising up. It’s rising up, rising up, stirring up, stirring up, stirring up. Rising up, rising up, stirring up from the land.”
Prophetic Song
“Hearing the hoofbeats, happy day. Hearing the hoofbeats, happy day. Hearing the hoofbeats, happy day. Hearing the hoofbeats today for the victory. Oh, horses are coming. Oh horses are coming. Oh horses are coming. Hear their hoofbeats. Hear the hoofbeats.”
“Jeremiah 20:11 says but the Lord is with me like a dread champion. One greatly to be feared. Therefore, my persecutors will stumble and not overcome me. They will be completely shamed for they have not acted wisely and have failed in their schemes. Their eternal dishonor will never be forgotten. So Father, Father, as the horses come Father God and as the champions win, Father God, Father God we thank You that You are with us as a dread champion, Father God. One greatly to be feared. You're the one that leads us into victory, Father God. You’re the one that opens the track for us to run on, Father God. And our persecutors will stumble and fall before us and the persecutors of this nation will stumble and fall before this nation. And Father God, Your plan, Your plans for us and this nation cannot be overcome. So we receive You today Father God, as our champion.”
Ruth Ann McDonald
Prophetic Song
“Lord, You are the champion. You are our dread champion. Lord, You are our champion. Our enemies are defeated, our enemies are defeated, our enemies are defeated. Our enemy’s defeated. We follow you. The dread champion is before us. He leads the way. Our dread champion is before us, He leads the way. Our dread champion is before us as He leads the way and we follow you. The enemies under our feet, the enemies under our feet. Our enemy is under our feet. The enemy is under our feet. The enemy is under our feet. The enemy is under our feet. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Put him under your feet. Our enemy is under our feet. Keep our eyes on You. We keep our eyes on You. We focus on You, Lord. Before us. The enemy is under our feet. The enemy is under our feet. Do you believe it? That the enemy is under your feet. Do you believe it? Stomping on the head of the enemy, stomping on the head of the enemy. Stomping on the head of the enemy. Victory on the head of the enemy, stomping on the head of the enemy. Dancing on the head of the enemy, victory on the head of the enemy. The enemy is under our feet, he’s under our feet. Stomping on the head of the enemy. Dancing on the head of the enemy, victory on the head of the enemy today. Stomping on the head of the enemy, dancing on the head of the enemy, victory on the head of the enemy today.”
“I can’t get away from this, but when I saw the Native Americans from the cloud of witnesses, one of them has a scroll. It seems to be an ancient scroll. I don’t have any idea what’s on it, but I can’t get past it. So I just wanted to release that. That he has some sort of ancient scroll.”
“So Father God, where You’re opening up the ancient, the very ancient of the land, Father God, the very ancient, Father God. We receive Father God from what You want to reveal Father God. So we go down deep today, Father God. Deep. We say deep. We’re calling deep to the land. We’re calling deep for the land to release. We’re calling deep to the sky to release. We’re calling deep for the vaults of heaven to release.”
Ruth Ann McDonald
“So I just see the land written across the top of the scroll.”
“I hear the Lord say you’re about to see a great move among Native America. And He says where the wrong son has been written on the heart of the Native American DNA, He says My Son. My Son is written in the original DNA. The ancient DNA. The name of Jesus. My Son you’re about to see emerge among Native Americans and you’re about to see revival. Huge revival into Native Americans because they’re chasing My Son. My Son, Jesus. And He said when the missionaries came to this land called Neshoba, there was revival among the Native Americans. There was signs, wonders and miracles being poured out by My Spirit, He says. And you’re going to see greater in this land. We’re going to return to greater. What was among the Native Americans. What was greater than before.”
Ruth Ann McDonald
Prophetic Song
“Shift, shift, shift, shift, shift. Shift for the victory. Shift for His victory. Shift. Picking up my new mindsets. Picking up my new mindsets. Deeper, deeper, deeper.”
“I've been taken back to a time where my grandmother was talking to me about how Native Americans if one person killed a brother or sister in a family. Instead of the family killing that person, that person would have to come and live with that family and serve as the take in brother or sister. We’re not about killing. And because we're not about killing. And what I’m hearing is, I call out to my sisters from the north, south, east and west, to my brothers from the north, the south, east and west. Look to your DNA. Look to your inner. What you were, the basis of the founding of who we are as a people. We were not a people to take the lives of another. And because of that, we have to defend those that are helpless, including the unborn. So I call for my Native American brother and sisters to help protect the unborn.”
“One of the most astonishing things that God ever got in my spirit was that everybody talks about when the heartbeat starts. But when conception happens, it’s actually light in the body of the mother that takes place. There’s a burst of light. That if you go to the core of every cell there is light. So when conception happens, you have your spirit from heaven that has entered the body. That spirit that God sent to earth. That spirit being that said I can overcome anything that’s held this family line back. That spirit being that said I can do anything on earth that God has sent me here to do. And that’s life. So if you can get that one concept down in you deep, and you can base every decision you make off of that concept. God sent a being to earth to do His work.”
Ruth Ann McDonald
“And Ruth Ann, what Rahka has been playing, I heard the Lord say this is My heartbeat. This is not the same heartbeat that You have heard. But the palpitation of My heart is increasing. It is getting more excited, I guess you could say. Just the palpitation of the heart was in the land with that beat that she has been playing. The heartbeat of the land of the Father is increasing. It is increasing, it is increasing, it is increasing because of the impending victory that we are about to see. It is the heartbeat of the land. The heartbeat of the Father. The palpitation gets quicker, and quicker, and quicker, and quicker as we overtake. As we triumph as sons of God. As daughters and sons of God, we’re overtaking. We are conquering. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus and we are taking this land.”
Prophetic Song
“His light is in you, HIs light is in you. King of glory, King of glory. He is in you. He is in you. The King of glory. Do you hear His heartbeat? The King of glory, do you hear His heartbeat? It’s accelerating coming from the land. Who is this King of glory? Who is this King of glory? He’s the Lord strong and mighty. Mighty in battle. He’s the Lord, strong and mighty. He’s mighty in battle, King of glory. Open up ye gates. Open up ye heavenly doors cause the King of glory will come in. We say open up ye gates, open up ye heavenly doors so the King of glory, the King of glory comes in. Who is this King of glory, Lord strong mighty. Mighty in battle, open up ye gates. Open up ye heavenly doors. King of glory, the King of glory will come in. We welcome You. Open up ye gates. Open up ye heavenly doors. The King of glory is coming in, coming in. Who is this King of glory? Lord strong and mighty in battle. The Lord strong and mighty in battle. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty in battle. We welcome You. King of glory. King of glory is coming in. We welcome You in. Open up ye gates. Who is this King of glory? Who is the King of glory? Open ye everlasting doors. The King of glory is coming in. Here He is. The King of glory. He brings the victory, He’s coming in.”
“There’s one thing while they’ve been singing this morning. There's been a lot of talk on a theme we’ve been talking about this morning about Secretariat. I kept on seeing him this morning. As we’ve been singing, as we’ve been playing music I kept on seeing him. And we got the word then about life. And here’s what I want you to do. I want you to take some time. And how many of you have watched movies that you’ve already seen, right? E everybody’s seen the movie Secretariat, right? I want you to go watch it again. There's one scene that I want you to go watch again and that’s when she loses the coin toss. And she wants to lose it. She wants to lose it. Why does she want to lose it? Because she has studied all of the pedigree enough to know that what the people are going to do is that they are going to pick the young mare. they want her. They want the young colt out of the mare because Secretariat’s mother was named Something Royal. But Something Royal was 18 years old at that time. So you say 5x18 and that’s her equivalent body age as a human. You don’t have normal children births when you are 5x18. Ninety - well Sarah might in our Bible, but normally in our culture that’s a no no. Do you understand what I’m saying? So even though she knew she was taking a big gamble, she had to believe in what she just saw. Normally in the horse world, you wouldn’t want a colt out of that mare at that age, because what you’re looking for is deformities and there was a deformity and it was his heart. But his heart is what created the champion. So the thing that was the deformity created the champion. He had a 22 pound heart. Isn’t that amazing? Now I want you to think about this for a minute. God is speaking strong about life today. Life. And you’ve heard the words and the prophecies come forth. Life. If they had worked normally in the horse world, that baby Secretariat would have been pushed aside. Do you understand where I’m coming from? He would have been the unwanted one. He would have been the one that they would have sent to the farm and maybe made the killer pen at an auction somewhere. I'm just giving you the reality of the horse world. Are you good with what I’m telling you? But it was life and when she chose to go after that life. I just read this article and it said what he was syndicated for. Now syndicated doesn’t mean they sold him. They just sold shares in the production for him as a sire. Not what you earned on the track as a horse, but what he was syndicated for was the equivalent of 35 million above what he won on the racetrack. Life. How can you compare a horse to a human? I want you to understand they came that close to going with what was normal and she studied enough that she had faith. Faith to believe that if she reached out there and went with what was in her spirit, and look what it did. It made a champion. So, I want you to think about that. God is speaking strong about life today. So on your decision making in about a month or so, and whatever you do, make all your decisions based on that.
Ruth Ann McDonald