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August 8, 2021

Writer's picture: Konnie VictoryKonnie Victory

“So what I’m hearing is deep calls unto deep. Deep calls unto deep, dig deep, deep, deep down. There are wells of revival. Dig down deep today. Dig deep today and pull out the wells of revival.”


“What I’m seeing, what I saw was the angels going deep, deep, deep into the spirit realm. Deep into the earth and I heard the Lord say that as these well open up, not only in the land but individually in your own life. I’m seeing wells for individuals. He said you can go as deep as you want and receive as much as you want of Him and it’s really kind of neat what I’m seeing. I’m seeing these different wells in the earth and individuals and us that are on different levels. And you can go as deep as you want and there’s like a level here and a level here and a level here and as the angels go into the earth to open up those wells in us, it’s however deep we want to go. If you want to stop here, God’s ok with that because that’s your choice. But if you want to go deeper on the inside of yourself, the Lord says you can go there too. He says according to your faith be it unto you. And the Lord says what are you believing Me today for? What is it that you need? What is it that you want? He says you can go as deep as you want. He will open those wells for you deep in your life. He says you don’t have to strive to get there. All you have to do is worship Him and He’ll take you there.”


“And what I’m hearing is, what I’m hearing the Lord say. Do you want just a drop? How much water do you want? Do you want just a drop or do you want to turn the flow on? How much of Me do you want? Do you want just a drop or do you want the whole thing to flow? How much of Me do you want? I don’t want a drop. I want that river to flow, flow, flow. Open wide the valve and let the Holy Spirit flow.”


“Years back, I mean way years back right here in Philadelphia, Mississippi before I ever came to this church, we were so hungry for the Lord and for the deep things of God. We didn’t want church, we weren’t looking for church, folks. We were looking for the deep. And we were gathering at a lady’s swimming pool house and she would put the cover on it so nobody would fall in and we were just going deep with the Lord because church wouldn’t let us do this. And this man came from Israel and he called me out and this is what he said to me. He said you're a seer and he said you can see what I’m talking about. And he says, God said it’s endless. The well is endless. And he said you can keep on going as deep as you desire and the more that you desire, the deeper I will take you. And He said when you stop desiring, I won’t pull you down any further. That’s good. When you’re talking about deep, I saw the vision and I said God, how deep have I gone? And I looked and I said, that’s not deep enough, God. It’s not deep enough. You’ve got to go. You’ve got to go because it’s endless.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“You’ve got to go deep now. You’ve got to go yourself to get the miracles. All those people you’re trying to pull. God not saying that. You’ve got to go deep and get it. You’re trying to pull them. You go deep. Let them go. They’ll want to drink. Some people, God is telling me, and I don’t know who's watching. It’s somebody watching. You’re too caught up in trying to pull somebody with you and you’re not going deep. You’re not going to get that person to go nowhere until you go deep.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“So in order to go deep, we’ve got to shake those shackles off. We’ve got to go down under and shake our shackles off.”


“I don’t know who this is but I keep seeing it so I’m just going to say it. I see this big thing around your neck like you would see a prisoner led around with a big chain and it’s a huge shackle. It’s not on your hands, it’s not on your feet. It’s around your neck that’s got your bound. And the Lord says if you’ll stand up and shake your head as a prophetic act unto Him and shake that thing off, you won’t be led around by the enemy anymore. So stand up where you are and shake your head and shake that shackle off. Shake it off your shoulders, off your back, off your arms, off your wrists, off your fingers, off your abdomen, off your hips, off of your joints, off of your knees, off of your ankles, off of your feet. It’s just going to fall off in Jesus’ name and you’re going to be free. You’re not going to be led by the enemy anymore in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah!! All these places that have been put on you that have had you bowed down for family situations, the Lord says shake it off. Shake it off. Shake it off, you’re almost there. Shake it off. Oh it’s a big one, but the Lord says shake it off. You can do it. Just keep shaking. It’s coming off. See you’re not doing it alone. We’re cheering you on.


“Whoever this is that had the shackle around the neck, when that came off there’s one more that you’ve got to do. And you have to stomp and take that shackle off your property in Jesus’ name.”


“This is what I hear the Lord say. That as you go deep and go deep, deep, deep into the Spirit realm into the Spirit, not just into the Spirit realm, but in the Spirit with Him and you drink of Him, there’s an overflow. There’s an overflow flowing out to your generations. There’s an overflow flowing to your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren, your future generation, there’s an overflow flowing now breaking the chains and breaking the shackles off of your children, your grandchildren, and in your future generations that would be entangled into shackles this day. The Lord said there’s an overflow of your wells being opened to your generation.”


“I don’t know who needs to hear this but I looked it up to get it correct. We all hear of the great Smith Wigglesworth. We always think he’s the great Smith Wigglesworth, right? Well, he wasn’t always the great Smith Wigglesworth. In fact, there was a time that he had gotten so strict that the church he was pastoring declined in members. Did you know this? He was so strict that it declined in members. So one night, his wife Polly, stayed worshipping the Lord. She kept on because she had a burden and she kept on praying, and praying and praying and she came home late. And this is what the book says. He met her at the door and this is what he said to her. I am the master of this house and I’m not going to have you coming home late at night. Polly quietly replied, I know you’re my husband, but God’s my Master. At this point, Wigglesworth forced her out the back door and locked it. Polly simply walked around to the front door. He forgot to lock it and went to bed. But it was because she kept on going deeper in the Lord. She’s the one that pushed the household into where it needed to be. She’s the one because she let God be her Master and him be the husband. He was the husband and God was the Master. She went deep and created a man that God could use for miracles.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“There’s a book I read several years ago, I think it was by Decker. And in it was a book about a group of people and they had to dive into this area and dive into this water. The thing is, they had to trust that when they opened their mouth and inhale, not swallow, but inhale, that whatever went in would not kill them and that they would change. And it’s about the deeper. It’s about going deeper. It’s about shifting, it’s about changing and we have to trust God that as we go deeper and we inhale what He has for us into our lunds, it becomes life to us. And we have to trust Him and we have to believe that what He says is true.”


“One of the things that I have learned with my walk with the Lord, since being filled with the Holy Spirit, one of the things that I have learned that when I’m in HIs presence and I allow Him to work in me, to do His work in me and as I come into HIs presence and I go into deep, deep, deep, and I keep going deeper in Him, in the Word, in praise and worship, in just basking in HIs presence, yielding to Him, yielding to Him, there’s a transformation that takes place in me to change me. And that doesn’t necessarily mean, now listen to me, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the situations around me change. I change. I know when my husband and I went to Rhema years ago and we came home for the first time at Christmas break and we were under that umbrella, in that cocoon of spiritual blessings and all that spiritual atmosphere, you’re in a bubble. And we came out of that bubble into Mississippi. And I’ll never forget it. I had gone to sleep, like a lot of us women do when our husband’s are driving or somebody else is driving and when I woke up, we were on the highway coming in from Vaiden and all I could see was the trees and it was so beautiful to me. And I said, oh my gosh, Mississippi is so gorgeous. We’re home. We’re in Mississippi. And when I came around my family, I was like, oh my goodness, they have changed. They are really different. And the Holy Spirit said no, you’ve changed. They were like that all along. You’ve changed. So when we’re talking about going deeper in the Lord, as we go deeper in Him, there’s a change in us that causes us to rise up. I mean have you read your Bible lately? We’re made of dust. Land. So there’s a connection to what Sheila was saying. As we go deeper in Him, land rises up. That’s the Ecclesia rising up and taking our place. So, you know the situations around you may not be changing, but you’re going to look at them differently. You’re going to handle them differently and God will bring the solution to whatever is going on that’s negative around you because you have changed. You will see things differently and you will perceive things differently, you’ll respond differently and God will bring the solution to what’s going on around you and you’ve changed. And there’s nothing like being in the presence of God. There’s no comparison. There’s nothing. Not the amount of money you have, not the amount of clothes that you have or don’t have, how pretty you are, maybe you know your own mindset. There’s nothing that compares to being in the presence of the Lord. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And you know, when we stand up here and we talk about the price that we pay. Yeah, there’s a price to pay because you’re laying down your flesh, you’re getting into Him and letting Him transform you to cause things around you to change. There is a price to pay for the anointing. There’s a price to pay for the power of God. There’s a price, but there’s no price greater. It’s worth it. None of us have arrived. None of us have arrived, ya’ll. We go deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and it causes us to rise up and the land rises up. Do you understand what I’m saying?


“There’s some people watching that you pulled your deep back because you’re waiting on people. You pulled your deep back. And God wants you to come forward today. He just wants you to pick up your deep. It’s not that you’ve lost it. It’s just that you quit because you started waiting on those you love and it’s ok to love. It never said Polly didn’t love him right? She loved enough she kept growing in the Lord. So Father we just pray for those that have stopped their deep place. And we just say welcome back to deeps and deeps.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

“And what I'm seeing is a ripple effect of the deep. I’m seeing the rippling of the water in the spirit realm. A rippling effect of your surroundings as you go deeper in the spirit, as you go deeper in Him. I’m seeing a rippling effect in the deep. I’m seeing a rippling effect of the deep rising to the top and going back into the deep. There’s different ripplings of the water in the deep in the Spirit that’s taking place as you are going into the depths of the Spirit and it’s affecting the land. It’s affecting the nation. It’s affecting our state, it’s affecting the nations and I’m seeing this rippling effect in Israel. And just as Esther went into the deep of the Spirit and was obedient to what the Spirit was telling her to do, she saved a nation. One person. One. and it was a women. The Lord says He is no respecter of persons and what He did through Esther, He can do through you. There’s no respecter of persons. What the Lord did through Smith Wigglesworth, He’ll do through you. But are you willing to go deep? Are you willing to go into the deep? Just as the guy prophesied to Ruth Ann at the swimming pool and said how deep do you want to go? Are you willing to go deep? It can change a nation. So the ripples of the water, the ripples of the water, the shaking, the vibrations, the rhythm. Are you willing? Because I’m telling you it’s happening and I`m hearing it and I’m seeing it. And the ripples of the water. I’m seeing it. I don’t know what is going on in Israel, but it’s affecting our nation. thank You, Jesus.”


“The Lord says it’s coming to a head. I don't know what that means. He says it’s coming to a head. It’s coming to the headwaters. It’s coming to a head and I’m driving it to a head.“

Ruth Ann McDonald

“How do you leave this place? You don’t want to leave. It’s deep ya’ll. Come on now. I know we don’t leave it, we just take it with us. Take it with you. Take it with us. Don’t leave it, just stay in that place.“


“I just want to share, in that beat, the only thing that I know, in that beat I heard God is mobilizing His army. It was like a holy, march. God is mobilizing His army. It was very reverent and that’s all I have to say about that.”


“All I can say, I can verify you. I saw a huge war horse going across Israel. I don’t have anything else.”

Ruth Ann McDonald

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